Craig PedersonEmail newsletters can be such a blessing – and such a curse! They are a great way to keep up with a church, an online resource, or a writer of interest without doing a deep-dive into new material… but WOW, can they fill up your inbox in a hurry!

At the risk of inducing “inbox overload” I want to share some of the email newsletters I receive. I’ve selected the ones that that I find most worthwhile to take at least a few minutes to peruse, particularly in the areas of invitation, hospitality, evangelism, and stewardship.

These newsletters are great for rostered leaders and lay leaders alike!  Sometimes they introduce a new perspective on a topic I’ve been pondering; other times they lead me into a deeper exploration of ideas or resources that add great value to my ministry.

It’s likely that these are not new resources to some who read this blog post, and no doubt you could suggest others that would enhance this list. If so, please post your ideas here or send them to me via email at

Alban Weekly is a digest of articles and books from the former Alban Institute, which is now part of Duke Divinity School. Sign up for the free email newsletter at (Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page for sign-up.) 

Ministry Matters is a weekly digest of timely articles on leadership, evangelism, and outreach. Sign up for the free newsletter at 

Leadership Network:  A periodic newsletter with extensive resources in many areas of congregational development, some free and some for a fee. Sign up for the free email newsletter at

Lewis Center for Church Leadership is a weekly digest on a variety of topics, as well as links to extensive resources (similar to Leadership Network), based at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington D.C. Sign up for the free email newsletter at

Luther Seminary Stewardship Page is a weekly eblast with commentary and articles. Sign up for the free email newsletter at 

Thom Rainer is a congregational researcher and consultant. This is a short daily email of research-based lists addressing changes in church life. Sign up for the free email newsletter at