By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

“Where have you experienced God’s sustaining presence in the past year? In what new or surprising way has God been revealed?”

This was the question asked by a good friend in a monthly Zoom conversation I share with other female church leaders. (Yes, it’s a peer group!). The answers were beautifully varied:


  • I’ve sensed God at work in the spiritual direction group I joined with Lutherans and Catholics.
  • I am finding a renewed sense of call during retirement, having recently been asked to serve in a way that requires my particular expertise.
  • I have heard my adult children share their concerns and protectiveness about my health, and it has felt like a fresh experience of unconditional love.

Where have you experienced God’s sustaining presence in the past year?


2020 WILL BE REMEMBERED for our shared experience as a global family – watching a novel coronavirus spread throughout the world. At the same time, our individual experience of 2020 is as unique as we are.

Some people used every dollar of their stimulus check to feed their children. Others, whose paychecks remained stable, gave it all away. Some watched their businesses shrink and finally closed their doors. Others watched their portfolio grow, especially in proportion to their investments in technology. Some watched on FaceTime as a loved one died. Others tested positive for COVID-19 without experiencing a symptom.

“A simple conversation can be one of the most profound ways we experience God’s sustaining presence.”

As you reflect on 2020, I encourage you also to ask this question: Where have I experienced God’s sustaining presence in the past year?

Oh, this is not always an easy question to answer. And, some years, it will be much harder than in other years. I remember times when my prayer was closer to “O God, why are you silent? I cannot hear your voice.” (ELW 703).  If that is your cry today, I encourage to reach out to your pastor or a friend in faith. A simple conversation can be one of the most profound ways we experience God’s sustaining presence.

Christmas proclaims God Incarnate who – deep in the flesh – experiences human life in all its wonder, in all its heartache. God is not removed from our unique, individual journeys. God is present.

This is God’s promise in 2021 – and always.