By Bishop Ann Svennungsen 

Though I’ve been to over twenty Conference of Bishops meetings, last month was the first meeting where I made it to breakfast every day before 7am. I couldn’t wait to see my colleagues. I couldn’t wait to meet the 20 bishops who’d been elected since our last in-person meeting, held two years before.   

I imagine we’ve all had such experiences. When our synod staff was finally able to return to work in the office, the energy was palpable. When we are finally able to hug family or friends after a Delta or Omicron outbreak, the joy is immense. 

“Being social and meeting other people is, I think, the essence of being human,” writes neuroscientist Helena Wasling “If that’s taken away, it would be strange if we were not affected by it … So, when the pandemic takes away our ability to physically interact with each other, there’s a part of us that feels empty.” 

Which brings me to an important invitation. With care, faith, and thoughtfulness, the synod staff has planned a one-day all synod gathering scheduled for Saturday, April 30, 8:30 – 2PM at Central Lutheran Church. We call it Synod Assembly – and it’s our first in-person assembly since 2019! 

When we are finally able to hug family or friends … the joy is immense.”

 Under the theme, “Life Together,” we will enjoy: 

  • Keynote presentations on Acts by foremost New Testament Scholar, Dr. Eric Barreto, from Princeton Seminary. 
  • Hymn Singing led by Cantor Mark Sedio 
  • A delicious lunch and snacks catered by our favorite caterers 
  • Inspiration from our VP Felecia Boone and Treasurer Ty Inglis (whose reports are so much more than reports!) 
  • Some surprising announcements and celebrations, including one from Archbishop Musa Filibus of Nigeria 
  • A devotion and greeting by Rev. Dr. Goitía-Padilla, former Dean of the Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico and currently ELCA Program Director for Theological Formation 


YES, IN 25 DAYS, WE GATHER IN PERSON for assembly, the first time in three years! If you’ve been to Central Lutheran Church, you know there is room for everyone with plenty of room for physical distancing. Though only voting members will be able to gather in person (there’s still room for more voting members), as well as an option for visitors to view the assembly online. 

Pastors and deacons under call in our synod can serve as voting members. Each congregation can elect at least one lay person (more for larger congregations) and one youth (age 15-18) to serve as voting members. And ten percent of our retired rostered ministers are eligible to become voting members. 

Registration closes April 14th!”

For more information about the assembly, visit our website. If you are interested in becoming a voting member, visit with your pastor. Registration closes April 14th! 

We praise God that, so far, our assembly will occur when the Covid infection rate is low. And we pray that as many as are able will take this opportunity to gather, in-person, to experience “life together” in Jesus’ name.