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Join us for our monthly Children’s Ministry Zoom with special guest Stephanie Esser, M.A.Ed., RYT-200, Yoga Calm®, Youth Instructor, and BREATHE™ Coach. She will be talking to us about breathing and how to manage stress and improve focus. We will learn some techniques to use in our small groups to calm emotions and anxiety. If you want to use her company’s logo you can find it: https://balancingelephants.comHere are the details on the Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/85076129637?pwd=dEQvV1hyM0ZuTVl1OVd0bHVWTHlwZz09Meeting ID: 850 7612 9637Passcode: 473439


With questions, or for more information, reach out to Julie Vagle at Juliev@trinitylonglake.org

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