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Across the country, many congregations have begun working with their local resettlement agencies and are sponsoring Afghan individuals and families, in addition to the many asylum-seekers currently being sponsored within the AMMPARO (Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities) network. But the need is huge and right now. We call on congregations to see how they can engage in this important effort.

An information session will be held February 8, 2022, at 6 p.m. CT. This webinar will be addressing Afghan refugee resettlement and will discuss how congregations can get involved. As Savior was a refugee, forced to flee his birthplace as a tender baby, ELCA congregations are urged to help resettle these vulnerable people. Join this conversation and learn more about upcoming action items.


Note: Zoom link for the webinar will be added as soon as possible

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