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Dr. Leon Rodrigues, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Luther Seminary will be our featured speaker on the life and work and teachings of Archbishop Desmond Tutu who served as the Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission following the fall of apartheid in South Africa. The Wednesday evening events will be both in person and online. There is no cost to the public. All are welcome.

Here is a list of the sessions:Week 1 — A Not so Common Hero (Deut. 8:2)Week 2 — The Ubuntu Theology of Desmond Tutu Week 3 — For the Love of…Week 4 — Why Reconciliation requires truth-telling?Week 5 — Father let them be One (John 17)Suggested books by Desmond Tutu: 1)NO FUTURE WITHOUT FORGIVENESS (1999) and THE BOOK OF FORGIVING (2014).

For more information, including virtual attendance details, see Christ Lutheran, Blaine’s website.

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