By Bishop Jen Nagel

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Beloved members of Minneapolis Area Synod congregations, grace and peace in the name of Jesus.

August 1 has been a date “out there” through these months of discernment, a synod assembly vote, and transition. And now it’s here. I write today to offer an update and share some details. In turn, please share this with staff and congregational leaders who may be well served by more information.


First things

It’s a privilege and joy to step into this new role with you. Through this long process I have felt buoyed by your prayers and notes. I trust that same Holy Spirit who has brought us this far, will continue to lead and guide us with all that we need. I concluded my call at University Lutheran Church of Hope the second week of June – a wonderful ending and a lot of grief in leaving. Since then we’ve had some family vacation (Holden Village and camping), time around the house (nesting), novel reading, and fun with family and friends. I’ve worked at the synod office some through July and appreciated the spaciousness to slowly begin to absorb all that is before us. Thanks to Bishop Ann for her care in our crossover conversations and through this process; my gratitude for Ann’s ministry is immense.


Transitions and staffing

Through these months, the words continuity and change guide me. Nearing the end of an outgoing bishop’s term, synod staff members provide a letter of resignation effective (in our synod’s case) July 31. This makes a space for the incoming bishop to begin to dream and plan aware that details like severance have been considered. It offers the staff a mark in time to do their own discernment, though it carries with it real anxiety, hopes, and concerns. It helps the synod as a whole to imagine ministry moving forward into the next leg of the journey, trusting that some continuity is important and that some change is healthy.

Some staff have or are completing their service, either through retirement or calls to other positions in the church. One of those positions has already been filled with the hiring last month of Kellie Groon as accountant.

While July 31 was the original date of staff transition, I extended the deadline to November 30. This helps us move through a very busy early fall and allows needed space for discernment and some hiring of open positions. And congregations continue to be in transition, leaders still seek support, and God is at work in and around our synod and so far beyond – the usual ministry doesn’t stop and your synod staff is holding much.

Continue to reach out to Pastor John Hulden (assistant to the bishop), Pastor Wondimu Sonessa (Director of Evangelical Mission-DEM), Lynda Nordholm (mission), Karen Ohm (roster matters), Peg Ihinger (candidacy), Bob Hulteen (communications and public voice), Jeni Huff (events, administration, communications), Jessie Goeke (executive assistant), Nick Tangen and Mercy Zou Taithul (faith practices and neighboring practices), and Johan Baumeister (organizer for environmental justice).

I’ve asked Pastor John Hulden to continue for a longer period as new staff and I get acclimated, and we attend to call processes. I’ll communicate more about staffing as this takes shape.


New calls and new hiring

Our staffing priorities this fall are to work with the ELCA to call a Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM), to call an Assistant to the Bishop, and to hire a full-time Executive Assistant. Also, we will begin to staff for the new Lilly Grant Family Faith: Deepening Roots, Strengthening Families. If you are feeling called to explore any of these or know someone who may be a good candidate, I’d welcome a brief email or communication (subject line: “synod staff”), and eventually a letter of interest (and, if rostered, an RMP). The position descriptions for these roles are not yet ready.



Your synod staff and I are here to support you. Email addresses and phone numbers can be found at Please reach out as needed, and know that we’re juggling much and doing our best. You can also contact me via the office by reaching out to my Executive Assistant Jessie Goeke at or (612) 230-3317.

What do I prefer to be called? Bishop Jen works well.



For your continued mission support, for your trust and your prayers, for your commitment to our life together and your willingness to be part of creating and recreating what this life looks like, and for your vulnerability in sharing both the blessings and the burdens of this call. I am praying for you and the congregations and ministries of our synod.


O God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ. Amen