Military Chaplains are ELCA rostered leaders serving within the Armed Forces, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Army National Guard.  Understood as specialized ministry, military chaplains serve full time on Active Duty under call of the ELCA Churchwide Council or part-time in the Reserve force as shared time ministry while under call to a congregation or other specialized ministry.  Military chaplains’ roster status is maintained by their synod.

The primary mission of military chaplains is to accommodate and ensure the free exercise of religion for all military men, women, and their families regardless of their religious beliefs or background.  This also includes accommodating those who do not hold religious beliefs or wish to participate in religious activities.  Chaplains also “care for all” regardless of race, beliefs, socio-economic background, gender, and sexual identity.  They also advise military leaders on ethical matters and cross-cultural engagements when called upon.

ELCA military chaplains possess strong pastoral skills, a theology that invites people to wrestle with deep questions about their beliefs, and a heart to advocate for the emotional, social, and spiritual needs of military service members and their families.  Military chaplains also have opportunities to receive training in areas like crisis response, mental health support, and even additional CPE credits.  These rostered leaders bring their gifts and skills into the ecology of their synod and congregation and are potent partners for their ministry!

If you are interested in supporting ELCA military chaplaincy or becoming a military chaplain, full or part-time, visit Federal Chaplaincy Ministries – Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (