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Serenity on the Sea: A Spiritual Pilgrimage

Are you in recovery? If so, embark on a transformative journey.

February 3-7, 2025
Caribbean cruise 

Set sail on a life-changing Caribbean cruise, Serenity on the Sea, February 3-7, 2025. This trip is designed specifically for people in recovery seeking to improve their conscious contact with God. Spouses, partners, and friends are encouraged to join us. This unique retreat invites you to step away from the demands of daily life during the winter months and immerse yourself in a warm, serene, and nurturing environment. 

The days will be anchored by:

  • Daily Worship: Begin each day with uplifting and reflective worship sessions.
  • Book Discussions: Engage in meaningful conversations about Breathing Underwater with a small group.
  • 12-Step Meetings: Enjoy 12-Step meetings for both AA and Al-Anon.
  • Relaxation and Renewal: Beyond the structured activities, ample time will be dedicated to relaxation and enjoyment. Bask in the Caribbean sun, explore the ship’s amenities, and indulge in moments of personal reflection. Enjoy fine dining with fellow pilgrims, creating lasting bonds and shared memories. This retreat promises not only spiritual and emotional growth but also the joys of leisure, recreation, and fellowship.

Cost: Starts at $477.50.

Registration required by September 3.

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