
About Jeni Huff

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So far Jeni Huff has created 124 blog entries.

Multiplying the Good Stuff

By Pr. Deb Stehlin Incredibly holy things happen in church basements. Last week I was with leaders who wonder if they can let go of the way they’ve been doing church in order connect with the people in their neighborhood. It was honest, vulnerable, and holy. Change is hard for some people. Such change in [...]

2023-02-26T21:22:54-06:00October 24th, 2017|Categories: Staff Blogs|Tags: , , , |

Confessions of a Church Newsletter Junkie

By Pastor John Hulden Yep, I love reading church newsletters. I like the pictures, the announcements, and, … the “Pastor’s Page” or “Pastor’s Corner” or “From the Pastor” or “A Word from the Pastor” — whatever it might be called. Did you know that church council minutes are fascinating? After decades of church newsletter reading, [...]

A Time to Take a Step

The following is an excerpt from Bishop Ann Svennungsen’s sermon preached at the opening worship for 145 synod pastors at the 2017 Bishop’s Theological Conference at Cragun’s Resort near Brainerd, Minnesota, on October 8, 2017. The theme for this conference was “Your Next Bold Step: Faithful Leadership for a Time Such as This.” My best [...]

2023-02-26T21:22:55-06:00October 11th, 2017|Categories: Bishop's Blogs|

It Doesn’t Take Much

By Rev. Deb Stehlin On Sunday, I got to preach at St. Philip’s in Fridley. Between worship services, I was also able to take part in an educational forum. People of all ages showed up, which made for rich conversation. At one point, I asked the teens, “How many of your friends are part of [...]

2023-02-26T21:22:56-06:00September 25th, 2017|Categories: Staff Blogs|Tags: , , , , |

Conflict-Averse Christians

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen All things being equal, I’d rather avoid conflict. If you asked me when pastoral ministry was most challenging, I would immediately think of times when the congregations I served were most conflicted. I suspect that is true for most rostered leaders. I still remember a vivid dream the night before a [...]

2023-02-26T21:22:56-06:00September 18th, 2017|Categories: Bishop's Blogs|Tags: , , , |

Ensuring Church as a Safe Place

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen Healthy relationships matter. Human flourishing is irrevocably tied to the health of our relationships – with family, friends, co-workers, teachers, classmates. Healthy church relationships matter, too. Indeed, unhealthy church relationships can be destructive in uniquely painful ways. Tragically, the church has often done a poor job preventing and addressing misconduct in [...]

2023-02-26T21:22:56-06:00September 11th, 2017|Categories: Bishop's Blogs|Tags: , , , , |

What Can I Do?

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen Charlottesville: Did this really happen in America? In the 21st century? Does our social fabric really provide the context for children to grow into white supremacists? Are there no moral standards preventing such words and acts of hatred, bigotry, and violence? Exactly one week before, in our very own synod, a [...]

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