
About Bob Hulteen

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So far Bob Hulteen has created 298 blog entries.

Annual meetings that can change your life

By Pastor Norma Malfatti We all have experiences during our growing up years that shape our values, faith, and viewpoint of the world. My first communion class taught me that grace is God’s love given freely to everyone, all the time, no matter who they are or what they’ve done. God loves because that’s who [...]


By Bob Hulteen For most human beings, Isaac Asimov is a renowned writer of science fiction and popular science. He is one of the most prolific authors in American literary history. (Oh, and he was a professor of biochemistry at Boston University; nice side gig.) Ah, but at the synod office, Isaac Asimov is our [...]

2023-02-26T21:19:19-06:00October 12th, 2021|Categories: Staff Blogs|Tags: , , , |

In the legacy of Luther

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen My trips to Nigeria are filled with surprises. I was surprised in 2017 when I stood up to greet the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria’s annual assembly and saw a gathering of more than 70,000 people. I was also surprised to meet members of the church who had graduated from [...]

What does it mean to ‘give to the max’?

By Bob Hulteen As I write this blog, I am preparing to walk out the door for an in-person, outdoors gathering of the synod’s communicators. We are going to talk about the annual Give to the Max event, and how congregations might engage with such a fundraising effort. First, I want to note that the [...]

2023-02-26T21:19:20-06:00September 21st, 2021|Categories: Staff Blogs|Tags: , , , |

Storytelling that’s sticky

By John Hulden   I heard a powerful news story on NPR last week. It got me to thinking how much I love a good story – news story, Bible story, a story told around the campfire or the kitchen table. If you are a Jesus follower like me, I’ll bet you like a good [...]

Grab your duct tape

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen Growing up at St. Luke’s Lutheran, my friends and I always knew which adults were “in our corner.” Alice who laughed at our silly antics. Dave who listened to our stories, our hurt feelings, our questions. Even more, I suppose, we knew which adults weren’t so enamored with the way we [...]

Putting it into practice

By Nick Tangen Can I just share with you that I really love my job? One of the great benefits of working on a Lilly-funded project is the immense community of people who are engaging with similar questions, similar challenges, and similar opportunities in congregations and communities across the country. The Lilly Endowment launched the [...]

The care and feeding of pastors

By Bob Hulteen Soon after arriving at Concordia College as a student, I declared my certainty that God was calling me into ordained ministry. So sure was I that I left my anticipated math major behind and started talking humanities, Greek, and Hebrew classes. I even served two terms as president of the Cobber pre-seminarian [...]

2023-02-26T21:19:21-06:00August 24th, 2021|Categories: Staff Blogs|Tags: , , , , |

The scope of equity

By Eric Howard  When I was a kid, I used to love playing with kaleidoscopes. The shapes, colors, and movement could transform everyday objects into infinite complexity and beauty. As an adult, kaleidoscopes still inspire me to look at the world in a new way. If you pointed the scope at the work of equity, for example, [...]

2023-02-26T21:19:22-06:00August 16th, 2021|Categories: Staff Blogs|Tags: , , , , , , |
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