Bishop’s Blogs
Stir Up Our Hearts, O God
By Bishop Jen Nagel Advent blessings, dear ones. We are smack in the middle of this season of preparation for Christ’s birth. Around our house we’ve gotten as far as putting the lights on [...]
Shining like the sun
By Bishop Jen Nagel I write this blog in the in-between hours, the anxious times, between All Saints Day and the close of Election Day. Regardless of party or persuasion, our nation is holding [...]
Staff Blogs
Advent Waiting and Movie Watching
By Pastor John Hulden Have you heard of the new movie that is causing theological and historical debates? It’s a film about religion and the consequential actions that arise out of a strong belief in [...]
A Song of Thanksgiving
By Johan Baumeister One of my favorite hymns goes "Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving to God the Creator triumphantly raise." I like the soaring and majestic tune. I find beauty in the [...]
Guest Blogs
Counting Joys and Hopes
By Pastors Jorge and Stephanie Espinoza, Iglesia Luterana Cristo Obrero This post continues the Mission Table's "Year of Partnership" highlighting the new and strategic ministries of the Minneapolis Area Synod. Cristo Obrero is one of [...]