From the Bishop

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The treasure of the gospel

May 31st, 2024

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

As I prepare for my final days as your bishop, I want to share a few thoughts about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. As much as ever, I love the ELCA. I believe its distinctive witness is critical, especially today, when so many in America seek to use the word “Christian” to mean lots different things – and to advocate for lots of different causes.

Our clarity about the gospel – about God’s initiative, God’s radical forgiveness in Jesus Christ – is vital. So is our clear witness about the freedom of the Christian to love the neighbor, to think critically and thoughtfully, and to courageously engage the public square for the sake of justice. To paraphrase Luther, our understanding of God’s grace frees us “to act boldly and trust God more boldly still.”

In a time when such strong winds blow in our country, when some are flying the banner of Christian nationalism, Luther’s confessional witness about the distinction between law and gospel is as crucial as ever.

“In a time when such strong winds blow in our country, when some are flying the banner of Christian nationalism, Luther’s confessional witness about the distinction between law and gospel is as crucial as ever.

I believe we – members of the Minneapolis Area Synod, the largest synod in the ELCA – are called to be faithful and discerning stewards of this clay jar we call the ELCA. It’s as important as ever. Yes, we are a clay jar, … broken in many ways, systems of exclusion and privilege continue to have a hold on us.

Still, I believe our clarity about the Gospel of God’s radical forgiveness in Jesus Christ sets us free to do the good, hard, hopeful work of building beloved community for the sake of the world. And, I pray that our synod’s 137 ELCA congregations will be courageous and faithful stewards of this treasure of the Gospel.


EDITOR’S NOTE: Bishop Ann Svennungsen’s final day in the Office of the Bishop will be July 31.


April 16th, 2024

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

The signs were weight loss, shortness of breath, a cough. Given the symptoms, my husband, Bill, met with his doctor. She prescribed a battery of tests – looking for causes. Through a chest x-ray, a cat scan, and a biopsy, new signs were found: a 12- by 13-centimeter mass, malignant cells, a cancer called seminoma.

Then a whole new set of signs began to appear: getting in to see a Mayo oncologist whose research specialty is seminomas; being referred to a local oncologist who studied at Indiana where the standard seminoma chemotherapy was developed; receiving meals from the congregation we’d just joined – from loving people we’d never met.

Signs of cancer are interwoven with signs of hope; signs of weakness interwoven with signs of strength (in Bill’s own body, in the power of medicines, in the wisdom of healthcare providers).


WHAT AMAZES ME is how consistently we yearned for visible, touchable, even embodied conveyers of the news we received. We looked for tangible signs. Yes, there’s “MyChart,”, NIH, and thousands of unhelpful websites. Yet, even with access to all that information, you wait to hear the real story from a real person – someone who looks you in the eye, stands by your side, and gives you a sign.

Bishop Ann and Bill stand on each side of Archbishop Musa Filibus

These feelings remind me of the life of faith. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is a bodily, physical, and corporal experience. It engages every one of our five senses: sight, taste, touch, hearing, smell.

“I find it amazing that the Sacrament of Holy Communion engages every one of our five senses: sight, taste, touch, hearing, smell.”

This is God at work – in the incarnation of Jesus; in the bread, wine, and water; in the community gathered, in the sharing of the peace; and in the hotdish.

This is God showing up. And in the journey our family faces now (two hospitalizations so far and chemotherapy through at least June 30), we feel gratitude beyond measure for all the creative ways we can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste the signs of God’s love.

Thank you for being the Body of Christ to one another – and to us.

Who isn’t my neighbor?

March 4th, 2024

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

Ten days ago in Demsa, Nigeria, I joined eleven bishops for the laying on of hands, ordaining 72 new pastors to serve in the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (LCCN). It was a profound experience, made moreso by the 50,000 worshipers gathering with us in this outdoor setting.

An ancient tradition, the ordination rite was part of the final worship service of the 99th Annual LCCN Convention on February 25.

“The concept of vocation is one of the most powerful ways we bridge the gap between faith and daily life.”

Classrooms under construction for Lutheran University Nigeria

At the same time, using something unheard of in ancient times, an online campaign was launched, sending emails to 100,000 LCCN members, inviting each to contribute at least 2,000 Naira to advance the construction of the new Lutheran University of Nigeria.

Within a couple days, 5 million Naira was raised. In a country where the cost of food increased 35.41% from January 2023 to January 2024, such a generous response is truly amazing.


THE JUXTAPOSITION OF the two events – the ordination of 72 pastors and the generous gifts to the University – gave me pause. Both events support a Lutheran understanding of vocation, fostering the callings of all the baptized. In Luther’s time, the common understanding was that priests alone (the ordained) had a “calling from God.”

Luther challenged that – believing that God calls every one of us. All are called to love and serve the neighbor. And, in good Luther form, he gave vivid examples of callings: If your town needs a mayor, run for mayor. If it needs a school, build a school. If your baby’s diaper needs changing, change it. These are all callings from God.

I believe the concept of vocation is one of the most powerful ways we bridge the gap between faith and daily life – between Sunday and Monday. And vocation is not only about occupation. It includes our whole lives. Children, those who are retired or unemployed, all have callings. God calls us where we are, including our occupations, but not only there. Dr. Marti Stortz, asks simply: does what you are doing with your life include the word “neighbor” at the end of the sentence? That is a key to understanding vocation.

“If your town needs a mayor, run for mayor. If it needs a school, build a school. If your baby’s diaper needs changing, change it.”

And, the building of a university is a key way to support such a rich and inclusive understanding of vocation. Dr. Stan Olson has a nice “word ladder” to describe this:

Because of Christ, the World
     Because of the World, Vocation
          Because of Vocation, Education

The dream is that the Lutheran University Nigeria (LUN) will provide quality higher education for more students and do it more equitably. And, in doing so, LUN will raise up a generation of leaders to serve the complicated, interfaith, diverse country that is Nigeria.

Election season is all around us here in the United States. (Today is the Presidential Primary here in Minnesota.) We each have a vocation to participate in public life for the common good (serving the neighbor). And just like the future graduates of the Lutheran University of Nigeria, we have also been equipped by God to live out our vocation – as leaders and citizens in the complicated, interfaith, diverse country that is United States. I pray we might be faithful stewards of this calling.

Grace and belonging

February 5th, 2024

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

Grace is something you can never get but can only be given. There’s no way to earn it or deserve it or bring it about any more than you can deserve the taste of raspberries and cream or earn good looks or bring about your own birth. A good sleep is grace and so are good dreams. Most tears are grace. The smell of rain is grace. Somebody loving you is grace. Loving somebody is grace.
 — Frederick Buechner

The above might be my favorite Buechner quote. Yet, in addition to Buechner’s list, I would add another: A congregational home is grace.  A community of welcome and belonging – where grace is proclaimed, faith is nurtured, wounds are tended, dreams are encouraged, lives are transformed – that is grace.

“Congregations are filled with sinner/saints living in a changing world.”

Recently, our retired clergy gathered at the synod office. In their introductions, I asked each person to name the congregation where they belong. After each congregation was named, I felt this deep sense of awe and gratitude. Yes, this community is grace, and this community is grace. We are richly blessed.


OH, IT’S NOT EASY or simple to be a congregation. Our unity is in Christ; in other ways we are quite diverse. I recall a story that Riverside Church’s Rev. James Forbes liked to tell. Shaking his hand after services, a woman announced, “I really didn’t like the hymns today.” After a moment, Forbes replied, “That’s sort of how it is. We’re a community of diverse people. I’d say if you liked the hymns 30 percent of the time, you’re doing great.”

In addition to being diverse, congregations are filled with sinner/saints living in a changing world. Our leaders sometimes lose their way; a conflict or trauma from the congregation’s past may continue to disrupt the present; a pandemic might completely change how we do worship; a Christian Nationalist movement may make people write off Christianity all together.

No, it’s not easy to be a congregation, a community of grace and belonging. But, oh, how important it is.

“Let us pray for those elected leaders, staff, deacons, pastors who provide leadership in these diverse congregations filled with sinner/saints.”

It is Congregational Annual Meeting season throughout the synod’s communities of faith. We gather to make decisions, pass budgets, and elect new leaders. As we began the annual meeting in prayer, let us also commit to prayerfulness throughout the year: that the decisions made will bear good fruit and that God will provide wisdom and courage for the decisions we make in the year ahead. And let us pray for those elected leaders, staff, deacons, pastors who provide leadership in these diverse congregations filled with sinner/saints.

Yes, I believe a community in Christ of welcome and belonging, a congregational home, indeed is grace.

In need of ecological conversion

January 8th, 2024

By Bishop Ann Svennugsen

Duke professor Ellen Davis shares a story about a neighbor’s conversation with his young grandson. The boy says, “Grandpa, the two biggest fears I have are that I won’t make the baseball team and that climate change will ruin my life.”

The child’s question haunts me. And challenges me. Am I doing all I can to protect my grandchildren – and all children – from the effects of climate change?

“Ten years ago, our synod made the commitment to provide our congregations with education, networking, and advocacy opportunities to promote climate justice.”

In his encyclical Laudato Se, On Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis calls us to an “ecological conversion,” whereby the effects of our encounter with Jesus Christ become evident in our relationship with the world around us. Our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience.

I was reminded of this during a recent conversation my husband and I had about our tithe commitments for 2024. Is our ecological conversion reflected in the proportion of our income God calls us to share for the sake of God’s world?


TEN YEARS AGO, our synod made the commitment to provide our congregations with education, networking, and advocacy opportunities to promote climate justice. Funded completely by external grants, we have been privileged to call leaders like Emilie Bouvier, Jack Hurbanis, Johan Baumeister, and Grace Corbin (as well as former Lutheran Volunteer Corps staff Madeline Troyer and Mariah Novell) to lead this work. Last year, we were a major voice in our state’s passage of the “100% Renewable by 2050” legislation. We are currently working on a major energy initiative for the 2024 legislative session.

Now, as my tenure comes to a conclusion, I am eager to raise sufficient money to secure our climate justice work for at least the next two years. And, for that, I rejoice that my husband and I agreed to commit a meaningful gift in our 2024 tithe to the synod’s Climate Justice work. I encourage you join us.

“Is our ecological conversion reflected in the proportion of our income God calls us to share for the sake of God’s world?”

Oh, you may already have financial commitments that reflect your “ecological conversion” and God’s call to work for climate justice. If not, I encourage you to explore doing so (and truly hope the synod’s climate justice work will be on the list of possibilities).

It’s hard to know what to say when a child you love wonders if “climate change will ruin his life.” One thing we can do is make concrete and tangible commitments of money, lifestyle, and advocacy for the sake of our children’s – and God’s creation’s – future.

Called by God … and a Sunday school teacher

December 4th, 2023

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

At the end of Sunday school one day, 12-year-old Tom Zarth was stopped by his teacher who said, “I think you would make a good pastor someday. Have you ever thought about it?”

Tom hadn’t. But he never forgot the conversation. Last Sunday, Pastor Zarth retired after 40 years of ministry as a parish pastor. In those 40 years, he mentored 20 different pastoral interns – probably a record. The wisdom gained in that internship year has blessed the individuals and the churches they’ve gone on to serve.

“How can we better affirm and lift up the joy and wonder of the pastoral calling?”

If I were asked to name my top five challenges facing the ELCA, the shortage of pastors would be one of them. In 2008, the ELCA had 1,195 students enrollment at ELCA seminaries, actively preparing to be pastors. Just 14 years later, in 2022, the total enrollment was 594 – a reduction by half.

Which brings me back to 12-year-old Tom Zarth’s teacher. When was the last time you encouraged someone to become a pastor or deacon? What are the things that stop you from offering that encouragement? Almost every clergy person I know has a memory similar to Tom’s.


PERHAPS YOU KNOW the demands placed upon clergy. Perhaps you know that the compensation will not compare with the other professions a gifted young person could pursue.

Still, if you recognize gifts in someone for parish ministry but stop yourself from encouraging them, take a moment to ponder why that is. Take a moment to pray for faith and wisdom.

Your encouragement is not the be-all and end-all of one person’s vocational discernment. The Holy Spirit is an ever-present midwife – accompanying the baptized in their journey of discernment. Entrust your words of encouragement to that same Spirit – to be used for good.

“If I were asked to name my top five challenges facing the ELCA, the shortage of pastors would be one of them.”

I affirm the conviction of Eugene Peterson: “I’ve loved being a pastor, almost every minute of it. It’s a difficult life because it’s a demanding life. But the rewards are enormous – the rewards of being on the front line of seeing the gospel worked out in people’s lives. I remain convinced that if you are called to it, being a pastor is the best life there is.”

How can we better affirm and lift up the joy and wonder of the pastoral calling?

I believe the need for beloved community will be even greater in the years ahead. The climate crisis will bring us to places we never thought possible. Faith communities will need leaders as much as ever.

Oh, the church may come up with new titles for leaders in the church; the concepts of lay and ordained may fade away. And yet, Lutherans are pretty clear that Christian communities will always need leaders, if even by another name. We need people prepared and committed to proclaim the Gospel of Christ in Word and Sacrament, to build up communities of mutual care and consolation, and to equip the baptized for loving the neighbor in daily life.

Who will serve in that way? Is there a sixth-grader, a 16-year-old, or a 56-year-old you could stop one morning and say: “I think you would make a good pastor. Have you ever thought about it?”

The care and feeding of a bishop

November 6th, 2023

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

In fewer than six months, the Minneapolis Area Synod will elect a new bishop. (Simply writing those words evokes so many deep feelings: gratitude, grief, uncertainty, wonder.) Our synod constitution limits a bishop’s ministry to two six-year terms. Having begun this call in 2012, I will complete my two terms July 31, 2024. The new bishop will be elected sometime during May 2-4 at the 2024 Minneapolis Area Synod Assembly.

I invite you to join me in prayer as we enter these months. I love my calling as your bishop and am profoundly grateful for the privilege of serving in this way. I also feel joy that another person will soon have the chance to experience the wonder of serving as your bishop.

Even more, I deeply believe the ministries of synod bishop and staff are vitally important to the church’s flourishing. Our constitution describes the bishop’s work in nearly four pages with a list of some 40 primary and secondary tasks (not to mention the “other tasks as assigned”). This is good work, important work. So, I truly hope we will join hands in prayer in the months ahead that the Spirit will guide and bless the entire process.


WE CAN BEGIN BY thanking God for the Spirit’s work already in the tremendous efforts of our gifted Bishop Election Committee. Several opportunities are already available for all members of our synod’s congregations. Listening sessions for all lay and rostered congregational members are scheduled for November 15 and 16.

Our Ministerium for rostered leaders will be held Thursday morning, January 25, 2024. In addition to worship, I will share a reflection, “The role of bishop as I’ve experienced it the past 12 years.” Then, there will be ample time for conversation.

“I love my calling as your bishop and am profoundly grateful for the privilege of serving in this way.”

On Saturday, February 10, Conference Assemblies will be held. Each congregation belongs to one of our 12 different geographical conferences. At the February 10 assemblies, each conference will have opportunity to nominate up to three candidates for bishop (potentially a total of 36 nominees). Further, our Synod Assembly, May 2-4, begins with an ecclesiastical ballot – where any voting member can also nominate a candidate for bishop.


AND, SPEAKING OF ELECTIONS, I encourage you to be prayerful about the election in many of our region’s political jurisdictions on November 7. (Check the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website to see if there is an election in your community.) Two phrases from the ELCA Social Message on governance come to mind:

  • This church strongly affirms voting, guided by faith-based values, as an exercise in citizenship.
  • Although we may disagree about the best ways to achieve the public good, we do not disagree about our shared responsibility to seek it.


October 9th, 2023

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

A Bishop, an Archbishop, and a District Superintendent walk into a museum. Though it sounds like the lead-in to a joke, it was really the start of an incredible journey.

Archbishop Musa Filibus, Superintendent Sebastian Feydt, and I visited the GRASSI Museum of Ethnology in Leipzig on September 21; one stop in a remarkable visit that Archbishop Filibus and I made after the Lutheran World Federation Assembly in Poland in September. It was a rare opportunity for the leaders of our two partner synods to meet one another; and, as it unfolded, for the three of us to imagine ways we might foster a trilateral relationship.

“As we observe Indigenous People’s Day, what work do we need to do toward in repentance and restitution?”

The days planned by our Leipzig hosts were filled to the brim – which brings me back to the visit to GRASSI Museum. Inspired by the knowledge that some of the Benin Bronzes from Nigeria were held there, we were privileged to spend the morning with Leontine Meijer-Van Mensch, the Director of the State Ethnographical Collections of Saxony (including Leipzig and Dresden). We began by viewing the Benin Bronzes and discussing the potential for restitution (the return of identity-forming, cultural, or sacred objects, among others, that were acquired in a colonial context, appropriated under unequal power relations or looting).


FOR ME, THE MOST profound, heart-wrenching discussions were about repatriation, the return of human remains of ancestors to their societies of origin. Ironically, Germany passed broad legislation to ensure that German soldiers were given the right to return to their homes for burial. Now, the same legislation guides the museums in repatriating the remains of the ancestors to their homelands.

After waiting in Germany for 100 years, the remains of 14 persons from Roebuck Bay in Western Australia were accompanied home. The individuals were members of the Yawuru and Karajarri communities, living in the mid-19th century. Kidnapped into slavery and forced to work on luggers (pearling ships), the remains of the ancestors were brought to Europe as comparative specimens, a dehumanizing practice that supported eugenics and other racist theories.

On April 15, 2019, the repatriation ceremony to remember the ancestors drew visitors from across Germany and Australia to pay their respects. A landmark memorial, known as Wanggajarli Burugun, will be built in Broome (or Rubibi) in Western Australia to establish a resting place for the ancestors, serving as a site for reconciliation and healing.

Our guide led us to a private room in the museum reserved for the relatives of the ancestors to prepare their remains for the journey to their homeland. Our small group was overwhelmed by the holiness of that space – the profound sacredness of this place for preparing the bones of the relatives, feeling the anguish of the journey that brought their ancestors to Leipzig, and seeing a tiny glimpse of hope that there might be repentance and forgiveness. It was indeed sacred ground.

As we observe Indigenous People’s Day, what work do we need to do toward in repentance and restitution? Perhaps, spending some time on the ELCA web page with information about Idinan Boarding Schools might give us a place to begin.

The journey of truth-telling and restitution is neither short nor simple. But it is holy work. Let us pray for one another as we take our next step.

Holy and holistic

September 13th, 2023

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

On September 13, I was privileged to join 1,000 delegates and visitors in Krakow, Poland for the Thirteenth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF).

For the past six years, the archbishop of our companion synod, the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria, Rev. Dr. Musa Filibus, has also served as the elected President of LWF. On that mid-September day, I was in the room to hear his final plenary address.

Becoming friends with Pastors Musa and Ruth Filibus has been one of many remarkable gifts I’ve received as your bishop. Bill and I were their hosts recently when they came to Minnesota for the ordination of their son-in-law. Much of Musa’s spare time during that visit was used to complete the speech he gave today.


THERE ARE MORE insights from his speech than the “blog genre” allows, but I will mention two:

  1. The 150 churches in the global communion called LWF are engaged in “holistic mission.” Whenever President Filibus – or the LWF – speaks about our shared mission, the modifier “holistic” is always included. Digging deeper, you learn that the holistic mission includes proclaiming the gospel, serving others, and advocating for justice and peace. Perhaps, our synod could adopt such a modifier. (After all, it does align with our mission statement of “gracious invitation,” “life-giving Christian community,” and “just and healthy neighborhoods.”)

    Archbishop Musa Filibus addresses the delegates at the Thirteenth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation in Krakow, Poland.

  2. Our host church, the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland, was a founding church in the launching of the Lutheran World Federation in 1947, just after World War II. Imagine the situation facing the church of Poland at that time. Yet, the church courageously joined a new movement to promote mission, service, theology, and ecumenism.

President Filibus affirmed our host church for their courage – both then and today. With only 60,000 members and representing only 0.1% of the Polish population 2023, the church stepped up to host the Thirteenth LWF Assembly. Filibus encouraged us to be inspired by such courage – especially our churches in Europe and North America where membership is in decline.

“Digging deeper, you learn that the holistic mission includes proclaiming the gospel, serving others, and advocating for justice and peace.”

I can’t help but notice that the whole Lutheran church of Poland has fewer than half (2/5s) the number of members as the Minneapolis Area Synod. I wonder what we might learn from their courage. I wonder how we might be renewed and inspired in the holistic mission as God’s people who live 4,745 miles east of us.

The LWF Assembly continues until Tuesday, September 19. Hopefully, I will learn more about courage and holistic mission. But, reflecting on that will need to wait for another day and another blog.

‘Staying close to the text’

August 28th, 2023

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

Most every year, my extended family has Sunday worship together during our late July reunion by our parents’ cabin on Montana’s Whitefish Lake. I have a precious photo from 20 years ago when our son, John, directed the closing hymn, “Go Tell it on the Mountain,” with the lake and the mountains framing his image.

This year, the challenge of leading that service felt heavier for me. Like many families, ours is filled with diverse opinions and points of view. I worried that my devotion could easily trip some unexpected political landmine.

“The children were the storytellers; the adults were the listeners.”

In what felt like a gift from God, an idea came to me. How about if I focus on the story of Jesus and invite the children to join me in telling it?

How was Jesus born? Who came to see the baby in the manger? When an adult, what kinds of things did Jesus say? Did Jesus help people? Did Jesus heal people? Did Jesus travel alone? How did Jesus die? What did Jesus say from the cross about forgiveness? Can Jesus’ resurrection help us when we think of our family members who have died? What does Jesus’ life say about God’s love?

It was a delightful conversation, especially watching the children engage. They were the storytellers; the adults were the listeners. And they told the story well.


BACK IN 2004 when I served as president of The Fund for Theological Education, I was privileged to share lunch with Walter and Mary Brueggemann. Of course, I praised Walter for the depth and breadth of his scholarship. Yet, I also said that the article I’d been quoting most often lately was written by Mary, a UCC pastor. Her piece “Pastoral Care in Conflicted Congregations,” (Word and World, 1993) provided strong guidance for me as a pastor leading Trinity Lutheran in Moorhead. She writes:

THESE ARE DIFFICULT TIMES FOR PASTORS, ESPECIALLY FOR THOSE WOMEN AND men working in congregations where conflict is more apparent than mission or where conflict is more compelling than faith. …

It is sometimes the case that in churches which are conflicted, worship is either ignored … or it becomes the battleground for the fight. … No conflict resolution can take place until worship becomes central to the life of the congregation and is alive, thoughtful, and intentional for all members of the church. …

Preaching is central to the liturgy in my own tradition. However, I do not think it is helpful in preaching to focus upon the present situation in the church. Our task is to preach the gospel. Most often in conflicted congregations there is very little ‘good news’ to speak about. … Staying close to the text is a powerful moment both for the preacher and for a congregation closed in on its own problems. The congregation will not miss the connection, say, between David and his struggle with power issues and their own struggle with power issues.

I guess Mary Brueggemann’s words are still speaking to me. Telling the story of Jesus with children was my way of “staying close to the text.”

And yet, I believe that text, that story of Jesus, is powerful enough to bring reconciliation – among families, among communities, even the whole creation.

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