Bishop’s Blogs

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Let Your Peace Rain Upon Us

March 4th, 2025

By Bishop Jen Nagel


Yarabba ssalami amter alayna ssalam,
Yarabba ssalami im la’ qulubana ssalam.

I returned Saturday evening from nearly a week spent with the Conference of Bishops in Chicago. The Conference of Bishops includes the 65 synod bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, and Secretary Sue Rothmeyer. Wonder what’s going on on-the-ground across the ELCA? This group tends to have a sense of it, for put together we are connected to the 8,400+ congregations of this church, the rostered ministers (pastors and deacons) who are currently serving or retired, and those in candidacy preparing for ministry. So, you might wonder, what did we do? 

We worshipped and prayed together daily, singing with strength, grounding our conversations in prayer, sharing Holy Communion. For all the beauty around us, there also is so much brokenness, uncertainty, hatred, and fear. We’re feeling it, and we are hearing the concerns and heartbreak from you and across the church, especially in immigrant communities, and amongst those of us who identify as queer, disabled, or BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color).  

We consulted, offering feedback for the Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church (CRLC), and the two social statements that will come to the ELCA Churchwide Assembly this summer (July 28-August 2, 2025, Phoenix), Faith and Civic Life: The Well-being of All, and the first set of reconsiderations of elements of Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust. 

The Bishops of the Region 3 Synods together at the Conference of Bishops. Photo originally posted by Bishop Craig Schweitzer.

We discussed proposed changes to the candidacy process (with a shift in the process to focus on competencies and create more flexibility), and the First Call process. We also reviewed a report on the trends in pastoral leadership that studied the need for pastoral leaders, geography, and affordability. It’s important—check it out here. 

We dug into topics like White Christian Nationalism, The Barmen Declaration from 1934 Germany and the Confessing Church, and what resistance looks like in this season and land. The recent executive orders about refugee resettlement and immigration strike close to home for many of us and our congregations. While the ELCA as a whole hasn’t signed onto immigration-related lawsuits, some congregations are considering these next steps.  

We spoke out in support of Augusta Victoria Hospital in East Jerusalem. I went to Chicago a day early to take part in a focused session on the Middle East. The ELCA’s effort to help build peace with justice in Palestine and Israel is called Sumud. Sumud is a Palestinian word that means steadfastness. We heard from those in Gaza who shared of dire situations, hunger, 85% unemployment in the West Bank, and the psychological toll of the years of occupation.  

I know that sometimes we Lutheran Christians struggle to understand the complexity in the Middle East. Fearing we’ll get it wrong, we stay quiet. Dear ones, this is a time to stand in solidarity with our Christian, Muslim, and Jewish siblings, to lean in and hear their stories, to reach out to our legislators, to pray. This ELCA Sumud link includes many ways to be involved. Also here are a number of short and easily used videos, and a powerful poem by Mosab Abu Toha called My Grandfather Was a Terrorist that can make for a great discussion starter. Beloved, take one step.  


Yarabba ssalami, that’s Arabic meaning let your peace rain upon us. The traditional Palestinian song is found in All Creation Sings, #989. “Let your peace rain upon us” is my prayer… in the Middle East, around our nation, across this church, and in our homes and hearts.

Let your peace rain upon us, O living God of peace.
Let your peace rain upon us, Lord, fill our hearts with your peace.
(All Creation Sings, ACS #989) 


Church Together in Puerto Rico

January 14th, 2025

By Bishop Jen Nagel

I returned last week from five days in Puerto Rico, at the Bishops Academy of the ELCA and the ELCIC (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada). Held every two years in various locations, the Academy is a space for continuing education and fellowship for those serving as bishops across these two Lutheran churches (the 65 synods of the ELCA and the 5 synods of the ELCIC).

Bishop Jen at the camp where the Caribbean Synod’s office is located

Bishop Vivian Dávila and the Caribbean Synod of the ELCA hosted the Academy this year. This synod includes the ELCA congregations in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands with a synod office at a Lutheran camp in a community near San Juan, Puerto Rico. The camp was a perfect spot for many of our learning sessions and it has a great story. In 1951, the women of the Caribbean Synod yearned for a gathering space, found 16 acres of land, and amazingly purchased it for $1000.

What a joy to be present with the Lutherans of Puerto Rico for Día de Los Reyes (Three Kings, Epiphany). The story of the magi is core to the people of Puerto Rico. The celebrations were plentiful with good food, playful magi crowns, children preparing small boxes of grass to leave for the magi’s camels in return for gifts, and a slower pace with family gatherings.

Bishop Jen at worship with the people of Iglesia Evangélica Luterana San Esteban Mártir in Bayamon

Sunday worship was a highlight for us. The bishops attended worship at more than a dozen different congregations. My spouse, Jane, and I, along with Bishop Bryan Penman (Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod) and Bishop Patricia Lull (Saint Paul Area Synod) had the pleasure of joining Iglesia Evangélica Luterana San Esteban Mártir in Bayamon. Pastor Ricardo Rivera Morales serves this redevelopment congregation and is the Caribbean Synod’s Director of Evangelical Mission (DEM). This congregation sends its greetings to you all, and I carried your greetings and prayers to them. We are church together!

The Taíno are the native inhabitants of Puerto Rico, but the island was claimed as a Spanish colony in the 15th century. Puerto Rico has been a US territory since 1898 and the end of the Spanish-American War. The Lutheran story in Puerto Rico traces back to the 16th century, and the Caribbean Synod, then a part of the United Lutheran Church in America, was founded in 1952. The influence of Puerto Rican leaders in the ELCA and predecessor bodies is significant, and you can learn more by reading Caribbean Lutherans by Rev. Dr. José David Rodríguez who joined us for the Academy.

I especially appreciated the sessions led by Rev. Dr. Carmelo Santos and Rev. Dr. Evie Landrau on de-colonial theology. Colonialism and imperialism have influenced Christian theology by centering Western, especially European worldviews and cultures, as the default. Instead, both leaders invited us to listen for how God speaks in the vernacular – in the familiar language, the mother tongue, in and through the unique and diverse cultures of our world – a very Lutheran practice. Rev. Dr. Santos lifted up a number of common Puerto Rican expressions, unpacking their theological implications. For example, “Tu no salistes de una mata de plátanos!” (You didn’t come out of a banana tree.) For Rev. Dr. Santos this expression reminds us that we need to know the communities, stories, spirituality, racial identities, and religious meaning of the people we come from. We need to know our roots.

El Yunque tropical rain forest

Rev. Dr. Landrau spoke from her Afro Puerto Rican heritage and said clearly to us, “I am the subject matter expert of my own life and experience,” pushing back on the imposition of the colonial definition of Puerto Rican identity. Becoming aware of and unpacking the ways colonialism has impacted our theology and our worldview opens us up to the incredibly diverse expressions of Christianity across the globe, reminding us that God is already acting powerfully and creatively through our unique communities. At a time when colonial rhetoric is again on the rise, the wisdom and invitation of our Puerto Rican siblings is timely and vitally important.

Music, dance, beautiful worship, a tour of the Old City of San Juan, the ocean, a day trip to El Yunque tropical rain forest, and plenty of good conversations blessed our time. Puerto Rico is a beautiful and complex land, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn more with and alongside our colleagues and our Puerto Rican siblings in Christ. We are Church Together.

Stir Up Our Hearts, O God

December 10th, 2024

By Bishop Jen Nagel

Advent blessings, dear ones. We are smack in the middle of this season of preparation for Christ’s birth. Around our house we’ve gotten as far as putting the lights on the tree, but the bin of ornaments awaits. Calendars, candles, concerts, cookies, cards. The pulls of this season are many. More than a few of you have mentioned feeling stressed and weary. Thank you for all you are carrying. I hear you.

I love Advent. In particular, I love the rhythm and patterns of the ancient Advent prayers used in many congregations within our Lutheran family and across the church. Week after week our prayers begin with “Stir up.” Stir up your power, O Christ, and come. Stir up our hearts to prepare the way. Stir up the wills of your faithful people and open our ears.

We need some stirring up these days. Our divisions are blatant. Our uncertainty is rampant and deep. The temptation to hunker down is strong. And we know only enough to pray, Stir us up, O God, by your Spirit, with your gentle might, rouse us to a new way, awaken us to your birth, turn us back to you, set us on fire with your justice, soften our hearts with your love, instill courage, comfort fears, make us ready to welcome You.


Just in the last few days I’ve savored a string of meetings and events with a thread of preparation and sense of being stirred. Let me share a few:

ELCA Youth Gathering. The next ELCA Youth Gathering will be held here in Minneapolis June 28-July 2, 2027, with 16,000+ youth expected. This past week Gathering staff visited and planning is well underway. More to come!

Candidacy Open House. On Thursday candidates at all stages of preparation for ministry as ELCA pastors and deacons gathered for an open house at the synod office. Candidacy has its own Advent feel. I give thanks for the way the Minneapolis Area Synod Candidacy Committee walks with candidates over the years of preparation.

Minnesota Council of Churches. We are active members of the Minnesota Council of Churches (MCC). At an MCC Board Meeting last week, I was reminded of the rich and varied gifts of the council. In this season, refugee resettlement is particularly crucial with more than 50 staff members dedicated to this important work of hospitality.

The choir from Amazing Grace Ministry sings at the Hmong New Year celebration.

Amazing Grace. On Saturday, I had the joy of experiencing the Hmong New Year Celebration hosted by one of our synod’s new ministries, Amazing Grace. What a wonderful event filled with music, dance, good food, and bright and beautiful traditional clothing. This marks the 50th year since the Hmong community first came to Minnesota. My thanks to Pastor Nhiabee Vang and the hospitality of Amazing Grace.

Synod Staffing. We are in a season of interviews for an Assistant to the Bishop for Congregational Vitality and a Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM). The response has been strong with more than two dozen applicants for the positions. Please pray for the Spirit’s stirring and discerning power for the interview teams and for the candidates.

For these things and all the others that need it, Stir up our hearts, O God, to prepare the way for your coming. Amen!

Shining like the sun

November 5th, 2024

By Bishop Jen Nagel

I write this blog in the in-between hours, the anxious times, between All Saints Day and the close of Election Day. Regardless of party or persuasion, our nation is holding its collective breath, waiting, watching, wondering, fearful, hopeful, exhausted.

I recognize that taking a deep breath while at-once holding one’s breath seems counter-intuitive. In a spirit of embodied resistance, I invite you to do just that: take a breath, a deep breath, and slowly let it out. And another. No matter what: You, and all the saints, indeed, all of creation, are beloved of God, wondrously made, fiercely loved, and gently held. No matter what: Morning shall come. No matter what: In Christ, life wins over death, love is stronger than hate, courage conquers fear.

“Take a breath, a deep breath, and slowly let it out. And another.”

Years ago, I fell in love with the words of Trappist monk and mystic Thomas Merton. As we live into these days his words seem all the more poignant. Merton writes, “In Louisville, at the corner of Fourth and Walnut, in the center of the shopping district, I was suddenly overwhelmed with the realization that I loved all these people, that they were mine and I theirs, that we could not be alien to one another even though we were total strangers. . . . And if only everybody could realize this! But it cannot be explained. There is no way of telling people that they are all walking around shining like the sun.”

ALL SAINTS SUNDAY is one of my favorites. I prefer to think of it as a season (All Saints Season), so to have ample time to savor the witness of the saints, the stories of God at work in mere mortals, the truth of God’s forgiving power and gracious mercy. And don’t we need this witness now more than ever? At a time when the lines of division are so sharp, when it’s too easy to avoid even eye contact, I need Merton’s and the Spirit’s capacity to see those around me “shining like the sun.”

I suspect some of my love for All Saints has to do with that veil that separates the already and the not-yet, the holy and thin places in which we notice our vulnerability and how resilient and fragile this precious life can be.

Two weeks ago, I met with many of the chaplains who serve in or via our synod. All Saints Sunday (er, Season) was on my mind as they shared of their ministry. Chaplains tread regularly in those fragile thin places. In a sometimes unique way, they represent something much more than themselves with people who are at some of the most challenging moments of our lives.

“Chaplains tread regularly in those fragile thin places.”

These chaplains are pastors and deacons called to serve in hospitals, in care centers, for hospice agencies, in psychiatric hospitals, on campuses, at correctional facilities, for the military and law enforcement, and in education as CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) supervisors. What a blessing that they serve on our behalf!

They are deployed to meet the saints — all the saints — with the grace and love of God when and where the need is great, embodying compassion from the deep well of our Savior, traversing ethical conversations, navigating moral injury. I marvel at the many and varied stories they hold in their hearts this season and the names of saints they utter between bell tolls. Join me in praying regularly with and for these chaplains and the faithful, honest, tender ways they follow Jesus.

How will we move through these next days? Of course, we can hunker down. But in this All Saints Season at Fourth and Walnut, and all the intersections in the day, I’m drawing in the Spirit’s breath, and keeping an eye out for the saints — expected and unexpected — shining like the sun.

Living and leading faithfully in tense times

October 7th, 2024

By Bishop Jen Nagel

A week ago today we finished up this year’s Minneapolis Area Synod Bishop’s Theological Conference (a gathering of our synod’s pastors and deacons) with its theme “Living and Leading Faithfully in Tense Times.” As the conference ended and I walked to my car to begin the trip home to Minneapolis, the news notification on my phone flashed: Iranianmissiles were bombarding Jerusalem and other parts of Israel. God, have mercy. 

Not so many days before that, waiting in line for an omelet in a hotel dining room, the morning news of the assassination of Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, in Lebanon, had been our conversation, our prayer. God, have mercy. 

How do we live and lead faithfully in these tense times?”

Yesterday marked the one-year anniversary of the Hamas attacks, and the 365th day of Israel’s retaliation on the Palestinian people struggling to survive in Gaza. The war is spiraling, pulling in country after country, with tens of thousands of beloveds dead, and so many more injured (physically, spiritually, emotionally, morally), displaced, traumatized, starving, desperate, and no ceasefire or end in sight. God, have mercy. 

How do we live and lead faithfully in these tense times? The timing of that news notification was not lost on me; I felt it in my body, the grief and tension. We go about our days and the tensions around the world, around our nation, and close to home are ever-present. While we have the privilege of seeming security and normalcy, one only needs to turn on the news or engage with someone whose world view differs, and the tensions are real, close, present.  


RECENTLY WHEN THE ELCA bishops gathered in Chicago for our fall Conference of Bishops meeting, we affirmed a statement on truth. In this case the statement was written with our coming presidential election in mind and the ways hate-filled language and deception have shaped our daily discourse. But reading it, I can’t help but believe it offers guidance for all these tense times – the weeks leading up to our election, and also the war in the Middle East, and all the other conflicts and stresses.  

I invite you to explore the whole statement: Try using it as a devotional practice; discuss it over a meal with those with whom you share much in common and those you don’t; if you are a preacher, weave it into the gospel you share. 

“The Conference of Bishops truth-telling statement was written with our coming presidential election in mind and the ways hate-filled language and deception have shaped our daily discourse.”

Here is a bit: “We lament the ways this language has led to hate-fueled action. We refuse to accept the ongoing normalization of lies and deceit. We recommit ourselves to speaking the truth and pointing to the one who is truth.” The statement includes an invitation to act with vigilance, checking the facts, avoiding hurtful humor, advocating for the oppressed and marginalized. It might be easy to downplay our nation’s tense times given the enormity of the crisis in the Middle East. I pray, though, that we make a space for lament, for anxiety, for being changed in these tense times. 

One of my favorite points in the statement reads like this: “Lean in with curiosity, engage with those who think differently and ‘put the best construction on our neighbor’s action’ (Luther’s explanation of the Eighth Commandment).” I wonder how the world would be different right now if we leaned into the tension, starting first very close to home (in our families, in our congregations, with our neighbors, at the grocery store). I am curious how engaging the tension, rather than avoiding it, can be an act of resistance, an act of solidarity. 

Beloved ones, in these tense times, I pray for God’s mercy in the Middle East. And I pray, too, for God’s mercy and Christ’s courage right here, right where we are, right now. May it be so. Amen.  

‘Crowded table’

September 3rd, 2024

By Bishop Jen Nagel

The song that’s been tumbling through my head these last few days is called “Crowded Table” by The Highwomen. “I want a house with a crowded table, and a place by the fire for everyone.”

The Minnesota State Fair closed its 12-day run last night, and my state fair memories for 2024 are from the crowded tables of the Salem Lutheran Church Dining Hall. A week ago Monday, a few of us from the synod staff volunteered at the Salem Dining Hall at Cosgrove and Randall. Over the fair’s run, 150-some volunteers pitch in working at the counter, waiting tables, flipping pancakes and making the meatballs, washing dishes, driving the van, making ice cream sundaes (yes, with lingonberry sauce and ginger cookies), sweeping the floors, and cracking the eggs that – shells and all – baptize the grounds of the much-loved Swedish Egg Coffee.

This is the 75th Anniversary year for Salem’s dining hall, one of just two remaining church dining halls at the fair. (Back in 1903 there were 89; read more fun facts here).


WHAT DID I enjoy the most? A few things:

The intergenerational mix of volunteers: Teenagers were waiting tables; Jim Zieba who knows the secrets of the egg coffee (and for whom we all quickly learned to make way when he came through with a hot pot) was sharing his gift; many of us were doing things that we’d never/rarely done before with all the feels that come along. On that Monday we included crews from Trinity Lutheran Church in Long Lake, Redeemer Lutheran Church on Glenwood in north Minneapolis, Salem, and a handful of current and previous synod staff or spouses. Thank God for Salem’s Brenda Blackhawk and Rachel Carmichael who keep the whole thing running. Working side by side across the lines of age and church and race is a great way to get to know one another.

Bishop Jen Nagel welcomes people to crowded tables at the Salem Dining Hall.

“We shared a trust that there is enough and that community is possible.”

The hospitality. As our motley team assembled shortly after sunrise, I was assigned to be the host. I took my spot by door, welcoming guests, directing groups to tables, making space for those with wheelchairs and scooters, and chatting with the folks in the line. I heard confessions about people’s church attendance, curiosities about the ELCA/church/coffee/God (in approximately that order); yearnings for community; and a bounty of stories, memories, and hopes. And, I met a lot of people, including some of you from our synod, and those from other synods. A big shout out to Pastor Nick Franco and St. John Lutheran Church in Zimmerman; it was great to meet you at the fair!

And, finally, crowded tables. There were times in the lull of the morning when the tables weren’t full and those who appreciated some space quietly recharged for the next foray. More often the tables were crowded and the benches were full. We shared a communion of sorts, shoulder to shoulder, friends and strangers at our side, conversations, and a trust that there is enough and that community is possible.

As we move into the fall with all the new beginnings and plenty of uncertainty, I’m savoring the crowded table and a place of God’s welcome with room for everyone.

Showing up

August 6th, 2024

By Bishop Jen Nagel 

This summer our family spent a week at Holden Village, deep in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State. One evening as we gathered for worship the lights were turned down and large sand-filled boxes and bowls with flickering candles centered our focus. During the service, we were invited to come forward to kneel around the cross, lighting candles and praying. I love these Prayer Around the Cross services with their stunningly simple music, their quiet beauty, and the movement of the community.

Every so often it wasn’t just a few people coming forward or returning to their seats, but a rush of a dozen or more gathering from every direction. You see, the worship leaders had been clear: while many come forward individually to kneel or stand in prayer, when someone comes to one of the corner stations, that is a sign that they seek others to gather close and to pray for them, to pray with them. And that’s exactly what others did: they came close in prayer, perhaps laying a hand on a shoulder, embodying solidarity, showing up. I find this act of showing up incredibly moving to experience and to witness. Really, what else in this life can we do for each other, if not show up?

“Jesus took on flesh and showed up, and we share this calling to show up.”

People often ask about my vision for Minneapolis Area Synod. Over these next months and years, I trust that this vision will arise from the gifts and the needs around us and the clarifying of the Holy Spirit. This means that much of my ministry in these early days as your bishop will be showing up and listening – showing up and listening to leaders, showing up and listening to congregations, showing up and listening to the wider community and our partners.


OUR STRENGTH AS a synod – our power as Christ’s community – is grounded in relationship and our willingness to show up with and for one another, and with our neighbors. Jesus took on flesh and showed up, and we share this calling to show up. Sometimes this means showing up for big synod-wide gatherings (think synod assembly or the installation on September 21). And just as much this means showing up day by day closer to home:

  • Showing up to worship
  • Showing up to celebrate an ordination or installation
  • Showing up to give thanks at an anniversary or in a time of transition or farewell
  • Showing up to grieve or console in the face of a loss
  • Showing up to learn and grow, play and change together
  • Showing up to uplift in prayer and care, … because we don’t walk alone
  • Showing up in vigil and solidarity, together witnessing to pain, violence, and injustice in the neighborhoods and beyond
  • Showing up around the table and at the block party, sharing bread and time
  • Showing up at the Minnesota State Capitol or your local city council meeting to engage the broken systems of immigration or housing or the climate crisis
  • Showing up to pool our resources and address a need or mend a relationship
  • Showing up with our messy, vulnerable God-blessed selves; trusting that we are enough, that God’s grace holds us, and God works through us

Beloved Church, it’s tempting to assume we must “have it all together” before our vision becomes clear, before we can show up, before God can use us. I need to consciously resist this temptation, perhaps you do too; it’s so strong.

“What else in this life can we do for each other, if not show up?”

Remember the dimly lit prayer service and the flickering candles? When someone knelt to pray, people showed up in an inspiring and timely solidarity. I want to be that kind of synod where we show up for one another and for our neighbors in body and in spirit, side by side, Christ’s people together, … because God always shows up first. Thanks be to God.

MYLE Marker

July 23rd, 2024

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

What an extraordinary joy it was to represent the Minneapolis Area Synod at the ELCA Youth Gathering, last week! Long before the event began, our synod was deeply engaged in the preparations.

We were privileged to provide funding for the bus that brought 45 youth of color from our synod to the gathering. At the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE), youth from the whole church were led and inspired by seven leaders of color from our synod – including the leader of the entire event, Dr. Kelly Sherman Conroy (the first ELCA indigenous leader to earn a PhD in Theology).

“We are all one in Christ Jesus, and we are all called to name the evil of racism and work to dismantle it.”

If you had asked me 12 years ago what sort of leadership role and youth involvement the Minneapolis Area Synod might have at the 2024 MYLE gathering, I could not have imagined what I saw last week.

But, I believe, the Spirit has been at work in our synod:

    • Nine leaders of color ordained as pastors or deacons
    • Thirty pastors or deacons of color currently serving in synod ministries
    • Fifteen years with Rev. Kelly Chatman serving as Advisor to the Bishop for Emerging Leaders
    • A congregational gift of $285,000 providing educational debt relief to leaders of color
    • Felecia Boone serving as Synod Vice President
    • Cheryl Chatman representing our synod on the ELCA Church Council
    • A full-time synod position of congregational organizing focused solely on racial justice – a position that has been filled since 2017
    • A $1.25 million Lilly Endowment award to the synod to accompany our multi-cultural congregations in family faith formation

Our church – and our country – has a long, long way to go in addressing systemic racism. For Christians, the journey begins at baptism. As Paul writes in Galatians: “As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”


WE CHRISTIANS WILL spend our entire existence living into this calling to dismantle racism and all that separates and oppresses others.

We are called to take intentional steps – leaning into this baptismal reality. Some days it will be one step forward, two steps back. Many days, we will feel uncomfortable. But the calling is clear: We are all one in Christ Jesus, and we are all called to name the evil of racism and work to dismantle it.

It has been one of the greatest privileges of my life to be a part of such a diverse, multicultural community as the Minneapolis Area Synod. Thank you for allowing me to attend the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event as one of the last acts as your Bishop.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +

And, speaking of giving thanks, …

Words cannot contain the profound gratitude I feel for the privilege of serving as your bishop.

I have felt deeply called to this work; and it has been a calling I have truly loved.

Thank you for the privilege of being partner with 137 congregations working together so “all might experience gracious invitation into life-giving Christian community and live in just and healthy neighborhoods.”

Thank you for the chance to serve with extraordinary leaders: pastors, deacons, elected congregational leaders, elected synod leaders, deans, and synod committee members.

“Thank you for your prayers, your words of encouragement and affirmation, your supportive presence.”

I am deeply indebted to our remarkable synod staff. This has truly been a leadership team; we work hard together. I can’t say enough about the gifts, faith, collegiality, complementarity, work ethic, and incredibly good humor that the staff brings to this work – and to our community called the synod.

I especially want to thank you for your prayers, your words of encouragement and affirmation, your supportive presence – in person, on zoom, through emails, and written notes.

I am thrilled that the synod elected Pastor Jen Nagel as its next Bishop. She brings such incredible gifts of faith, vision, wisdom, and compassion. She and I have spent quality time together during the transition period before her term begins on August 1. You have called a remakable leader and I will be first in line to cheer her on and hold her in prayer.

Finally, thank you for entrusting me with this role. It has been an honor to be your bishop. You will continue in my prayers – prayers filled with gratitude and love.

With heartfelt love for you,
Bishop Ann

The treasure of the gospel

May 31st, 2024

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

As I prepare for my final days as your bishop, I want to share a few thoughts about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. As much as ever, I love the ELCA. I believe its distinctive witness is critical, especially today, when so many in America seek to use the word “Christian” to mean lots different things – and to advocate for lots of different causes.

Our clarity about the gospel – about God’s initiative, God’s radical forgiveness in Jesus Christ – is vital. So is our clear witness about the freedom of the Christian to love the neighbor, to think critically and thoughtfully, and to courageously engage the public square for the sake of justice. To paraphrase Luther, our understanding of God’s grace frees us “to act boldly and trust God more boldly still.”

In a time when such strong winds blow in our country, when some are flying the banner of Christian nationalism, Luther’s confessional witness about the distinction between law and gospel is as crucial as ever.

“In a time when such strong winds blow in our country, when some are flying the banner of Christian nationalism, Luther’s confessional witness about the distinction between law and gospel is as crucial as ever.

I believe we – members of the Minneapolis Area Synod, the largest synod in the ELCA – are called to be faithful and discerning stewards of this clay jar we call the ELCA. It’s as important as ever. Yes, we are a clay jar, … broken in many ways, systems of exclusion and privilege continue to have a hold on us.

Still, I believe our clarity about the Gospel of God’s radical forgiveness in Jesus Christ sets us free to do the good, hard, hopeful work of building beloved community for the sake of the world. And, I pray that our synod’s 137 ELCA congregations will be courageous and faithful stewards of this treasure of the Gospel.


EDITOR’S NOTE: Bishop Ann Svennungsen’s final day in the Office of the Bishop will be July 31.


April 16th, 2024

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

The signs were weight loss, shortness of breath, a cough. Given the symptoms, my husband, Bill, met with his doctor. She prescribed a battery of tests – looking for causes. Through a chest x-ray, a cat scan, and a biopsy, new signs were found: a 12- by 13-centimeter mass, malignant cells, a cancer called seminoma.

Then a whole new set of signs began to appear: getting in to see a Mayo oncologist whose research specialty is seminomas; being referred to a local oncologist who studied at Indiana where the standard seminoma chemotherapy was developed; receiving meals from the congregation we’d just joined – from loving people we’d never met.

Signs of cancer are interwoven with signs of hope; signs of weakness interwoven with signs of strength (in Bill’s own body, in the power of medicines, in the wisdom of healthcare providers).


WHAT AMAZES ME is how consistently we yearned for visible, touchable, even embodied conveyers of the news we received. We looked for tangible signs. Yes, there’s “MyChart,”, NIH, and thousands of unhelpful websites. Yet, even with access to all that information, you wait to hear the real story from a real person – someone who looks you in the eye, stands by your side, and gives you a sign.

Bishop Ann and Bill stand on each side of Archbishop Musa Filibus

These feelings remind me of the life of faith. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is a bodily, physical, and corporal experience. It engages every one of our five senses: sight, taste, touch, hearing, smell.

“I find it amazing that the Sacrament of Holy Communion engages every one of our five senses: sight, taste, touch, hearing, smell.”

This is God at work – in the incarnation of Jesus; in the bread, wine, and water; in the community gathered, in the sharing of the peace; and in the hotdish.

This is God showing up. And in the journey our family faces now (two hospitalizations so far and chemotherapy through at least June 30), we feel gratitude beyond measure for all the creative ways we can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste the signs of God’s love.

Thank you for being the Body of Christ to one another – and to us.

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