From the Bishop

Tempted by fear

July 9th, 2018

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

Our son had little fear of danger. John would see something interesting and wander off, unaware of the risks of getting separated from his parents. I have vivid memories of searching for him after fireworks in a crowded city park and wondering how far he’d gotten in the wilderness outside Camp Ewalu.

Healthy fear is important. Our fear of snakes likely evolved because snakes were among the most deadly predators for primates. Fear is a protective emotion, a critical resource for survival.

However, there’s a shadow side to fear and its power. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “[Fear] crouches in the people’s hearts, hollows out their insides, … and secretly gnaws and eats away at all the ties that bind a person to God and to others.”

“Certainly Bonhoeffer lived in a time when Christians were tempted to live by fear. Nazism infected every part of daily life.”

Certainly Bonhoeffer lived in a time when Christians were tempted to live by fear. Nazism infected every part of daily life. Any simple act of compassion could be seen as unpatriotic and reason for retaliation.

In the most recent issue of The Christian Century, publisher and Lutheran pastor, Peter Marty, writes: “it’s not an overstatement to say there’s a fear epidemic in America.” He continues, “fear is a terrific uniter. … But subscribing to every fear and conspiratorial threat is a strange way to carve out a Christian life.”


HOW DO WE “carve out Christian lives” amid an epidemic of fear? The author of First John writes, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” In Mark’s gospel, the life of faith is a stark contrast to a life defined by fear (4:40, 5:33-34, 36).

What can our congregations do to foster the “perfect love” and “active faith” that casts out fear? One thing is clear. We need each other. Eight years after my cancer surgery, my doctor discovered a suspicious spot on my fibula. Fear overwhelmed me as she suggested further tests. What if the cancer had returned? When she called me with the test results, she first asked me, “Are you alone?”

“What can our congregations do to foster the ‘perfect love’ and ‘active faith’ that casts out fear?”

I knew from that one question that the news wasn’t good. Though we love to share good news with others, we’re okay when we receive it alone. But, bad news requires companions to hold us up in our fear. I had those companions (and, thankfully, later received the good news that the growth was benign).

In the “fear epidemic” that spreads through America, what are fresh ways we can bring people together in the name of Christ and in the power of love? The world cries out for people of faith to resist the fear that “secretly gnaws and eats away” and to actively rebuild “the ties that bind us to God and others.”


For future consideration: The lead article in the most recent Christian Century is titled: “The Fear Sweepstakes: How Trump Captured the White Evangelical Vote.”

Together Everyone Achieves More (Get it? T – E – A – M)

June 11th, 2018

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

After I was called as senior pastor at Trinity in Moorhead, Minnesota, I received an invitation from the ELCA to attend the “New Heads of Staff” Conference, led by Peter Steinke. For me, the learning curve of senior pastor was significant. Hoping for encouragement at the conference, I found Steinke’s long list of all the skills and characteristics required of leaders to be rather ominous. Finally, at the end of his two extensive lectures, I asked: “In your opinion, what is the single most important characteristic of a good leader?” Though I could tell he wasn’t eager to be pinned down, he finally said, “self-awareness.”

His words have stayed with me for 22 years. Self-awareness. It’s actually pretty amazing to see the growing number of tools available to help us in this regard: Myers-Briggs, Strengthsfinder, Enneagram, spiritual direction – to name a few.

“As a team leader, I’ve also come to respect Patrick Lencioni’s work on what I call ‘team-awareness.’”

As a team leader, I’ve also come to respect Patrick Lencioni’s work on what I call “team-awareness.” His early book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, provides key questions to assess the health of a team: Do we trust each other? Are we focused on results? Is there openness to conflict? Is everyone committed to shared outcomes? Do we hold each other accountable?


BUILDING A HEALTHY TEAM is one of the most important tasks of any leader. When I attended First Call Theological Education way back in 1984, I was amazed by the number of recent seminary graduates experiencing tension with their senior pastors. As a colleague in another field put it, “You join an organization for the mission; you leave it because of the management.”

Our synod staff’s commitment to help church leaders thrive includes a commitment to help staffs and teams thrive as well. An exciting opportunity to strengthen pastoral teams is a Luther Seminary Kairos offering with Susan Beaumont August 28-29. Because the synod believes so strongly in this opportunity, the synod will pay $50 toward the registration fee and will provide for follow up conversations as well. Just go to the link above and use coupon code “MPLS50” (and then click “apply”) to register. (After registering, please email Pastor John Hulden,, to inform him of your registration.)

“You join an organization for the mission; you leave it because of the management.”

What are some tools and experiences that have helped you to thrive as a leader? To thrive as a team? I’d love to hear about them – for the journey of growth and health, of self-awareness and team-awareness lasts a lifetime.

We’re in this together

May 25th, 2018

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

What words would best capture my feelings three Saturdays ago when our Synod Assembly elected me to a second term? I was truly overwhelmed with joy and gratitude.

Any call process is full of mystery. And the process for electing a bishop is particularly so – as a call committee of some 450 people are voting. So, to be transparent, I also experienced deep relief and loving affirmation that day.

“What is possible for the sake of the Gospel as we work together?”

Now, three weeks later, all those feelings have grown only stronger, and have been complemented by excitement and energy to work toward the goals and ministries we’ve already begun. In fact, there’s a real sense of urgency and time sensitivity. Six years can pass before you know it – and there’s so much good work to be done!

I love our synod. There is great vibrancy in our congregations, growing partnerships among leaders, renewed excitement for starting new congregations, and fresh energy to engage our neighborhoods for the sake of justice and health.


I AM ALSO REMINDED OF our position as the largest synod in the ELCA and one of the largest Protestant denominations in our state. What is our calling to use our gifts for the larger church?

We are already expanding our EcoFaith work in a partnership with the African Methodist Episcopal district, United Methodist conference, and Episcopal diocese, thanks to a generous grant from the InFaith Foundation. We have a new partnership with Lutheran Volunteer Corps and are working with Augsburg University to apply for a Lilly Foundation Grant to foster pastoral excellence in a rapidly changing world.

“I’m especially drawn to the question of our synod’s potential in the work of raising up excellent and diverse pastors and deacons for the whole church.”

I’m especially drawn to the question of our synod’s potential in the work of raising up excellent and diverse pastors and deacons for the whole church. Not many of our 65 synods have confirmation classes with as many as 300 students in them. Not many have such varied opportunities for formative Bible Camping experiences. And, with our large membership numbers, one might guess we have more financial resources to share for the sake of seminary scholarships.

This is an incredible stewardship moment for the church, as we anticipate the greatest transfer of wealth in American history. In the next 40 years, $30-50 trillion in assets are expected to pass from Baby Boomers to heirs and charities.

Is there a way Lutherans could imagine designating some of those resources to raising a new generation of leaders? I have grandchildren ages 3 and 6. What might inspire us grandparents to leave a legacy to promote the life and vitality of the church for those who come after us?

Where would you like to see our synod in six years? What is possible for the sake of the Gospel as we work together? This is an important conversation. I look forward to our shared call to talk and listen and pray and innovate and work hard together for the next six years!

The witness and wisdom of the global church

May 1st, 2018

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

If you are Christian growing up in Northeastern Nigeria, you will likely face additional hurdles when applying for university or secondary school. If you were a Christian growing up in Leipzig under Soviet rule, the same could be true.

For so many reasons, I am amazed and grateful for our companion synod relationships with both the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (LCCN) and the Leipzig District of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Saxony, Germany. Their faithful witness during two different – but similar – times of oppression is just one of them.

Last Friday, we waited with great anticipation for the flight from Nigeria – bringing Archbishop Musa and Pastor Ruth Filibus to Minneapolis. Throughout the next ten days, you are invited to experience – in person – their witness to Christ and their wisdom about the global church.

“Musa and Ruth Filibus are incredible people – with a wonderful sense of humor; deep love for family, church, and the world; and stories of faith and life that inspire and encourage.”

Archbishop Musa and Pastor Ruth Filibus (both in center) with pastoral leadership of the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria

They are not newcomers to the Twin Cities. The Archbishop received his PhD from Luther Seminary in 1998, with Dr. Robert Albers serving as his doctoral advisor. During the fourth year of his work here, Pastor Ruth joined him, along with their then-12-year-old daughter. They made St. Philip’s Lutheran in Fridley their home for the year and are eager to see their friends there this Wednesday night at a congregational dinner.

When the Archbishop was ordained in 1992, former Minneapolis Area Synod Bishop David Olson was in Nigeria to participate in the laying on of hands. For the first years of his ministry, he taught at and quickly became the provost of Bronnum Lutheran Seminary.


BUT, ARCHBISHOP FILIBUS BRINGS even more than his deep wisdom and experience in the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria. From 2002-2013, he worked in Geneva as the Africa Secretary and then Deputy General Secretary of Lutheran World Federation (LWF), a communion of 145 member churches from across the world. Sensing God’s call to continue ministry in his homeland, Filibus returned to become a diocesan (synod) bishop in 2013, and then was elected Archbishop in 2017.

Just a few months later, he was overwhelmingly elected him as LWR president, where he will serve a seven-year term as presiding officer of the assembly and oversee the LWF’s life and work in consultation with the General Secretary.

In addition, Musa and Ruth Filibus are incredible people – with a wonderful sense of humor; deep love for family, church, and the world; and stories of faith and life that inspire and encourage.

We are so grateful for the immense generosity they are extending to our synod by their presence with us for nearly two weeks – and their openness to meet with us on several occasions. We truly hope you will take advantage of this remarkable opportunity to meet and listen to one of the global church’s most respected leaders. The following are events you are welcome to consider attending. (Yes, Ramsey might be a trek from New Prague, but it’s a lot closer than Numan, Nigeria!)


Archbishop Musa Filibus’ schedule in the Twin Cities 

Friday, May 4

Keynote Address at the Minneapolis Area Synod at Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Ramsey (approximately 4:30pm)

Saturday, May 5

Possible second address depending on time; check synod website Saturday morning for adjusted schedule

Sunday, May 6

Greeting at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church in Plymouth worship services

Reception for Bitrus Family at St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church (2:00 p.m.)

Monday, May 7

Reception for companion synod congregations at Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Minneapolis (5:00-7:00 p.m.)

Tuesday, May 8               

Reception for deans and Synod Council at the synod office (4:00-6:00 p.m.)

Wednesday, May 9        

Coffee and conversation with rostered ministers at Synod Office (2:00-4:00 p.m.)

Thursday, May 10           

Sermon at Luther Seminary Chapel (11:00 a.m.)

Friday, May 11                 

Return to Nigeria

Don’t you just ‘love’ Caesar?

April 17th, 2018

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

Did you get your taxes done? Perhaps, the storm gave you time needed to finish. Perhaps, you just got your Form 4868 done early (and if you’re not familiar with Form 4868, kudos to you). Perhaps, you plan for a big refund, so you mailed your tax return as soon as your W-2s arrived.

Whatever your situation, I think Christians should stop and say a prayer as they drop their tax forms in the mail or press “send” to submit their electronic returns. If you look at the programs and people our taxes support, it’s easy to make connections with the purpose of the “tithe” in Scripture.

Biblical tithing refers to the practice of giving one tenth of one’s income to God. “Set apart a tithe of all the yield of your seed that is brought in yearly from the field,” it says in Deuteronomy 14:22. “All tithes from the land, whether the seed from the ground or the fruit from the tree, are the Lord’s; they are holy to the Lord,” according to Leviticus 27:30

The tithes were used to support God’s work to care for the poor as well as support the community of faith. And, beyond the tithe, God called Israel to practice gleaning, Sabbath, and remission of debts – additional ways to serve the poor. As God says, “Since there will never cease to be some in need on the earth, I therefore command you, ‘Open your hand to the poor and needy neighbor in your land.’”


CLEARLY, SOME OF OUR STATE and federal taxes serve the vulnerable among us: Medicare for those over 65, supplemental social security for those who are disabled, education for all ages, health care for adults and children in poverty, food stamps, tax credits. We may disagree about when tax-funded programs are the best way to serve the poor or about the proportion of our tax dollars going to social programs versus defense spending. Part of faithful stewardship includes our advocacy around such priorities.

Yet, at the end of the day, we can say a prayer as we pay our taxes – asking that the contributions we make will do good work for the sake of our neighbor, especially the neighbor in need.

So, do we tithe before or after taxes? My response: Just start somewhere! We tithe because we care about the world and the church’s proclamation. Paying taxes is no substitute for faithful giving to and through our communities of faith. It is no substitute for sacrificial generosity. Everything we have comes from God. It all belongs to God. Discipleship is not just about 10 percent. It’s about our whole lives – 100 percent.

Luther wrote “Mammon is the most common idol on earth.” How can we support and challenge one another to look more honestly at our relationship with money – and to know the grace and freedom to risk even greater generosity?

I close with a few words by beloved former Bishop Margaret Payne:

There was a young lady of God
Who thought tithing excessively odd
But she let out sigh
And she gave it a try
Now she thrives on nine-tenths of her wad.

The joy of having resources that are already set aside for giving, the delight of selecting which part of God’s work to support, the freedom from the endlessness of always wanting more — these are some of the pleasures of tithing. When we see this, … then we can tithe, and go beyond a tithe, with gratitude and grace.

From a Distance

March 26th, 2018

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

When I was serving a congregation, I often felt that the pace of Holy Week was similar to that of college finals. Three research papers were due (read: sermons) as well as four oral exams (read: leading worship services). Sometimes I felt like it might simpler to pack a sleeping bag and stay in the church that week.

It’s the center of the church year – the days we enter the great mystery of the God revealed in the suffering, dying, and risen Christ. It’s not an easy story. Mark’s gospel tells about Judas who betrayed, Peter who denied, disciples who fell asleep in the garden, and all the disciples who deserted Jesus and fled. And, one of the most haunting phrases speaks about the women “who looked on from a distance.”

“Yes, it’s important to honor and remember this event – but it has become something out of which we expect no more surprises.”

Oh, there’s no doubt that our lives are littered with words like betrayal and denial and falling away. But, it’s the phrase “from a distance” which may most accurately describe our interaction with the passion of Christ. We’d just as soon look at this day, this week, these events, standing “at a distance.”

Oh, we name the week differently than society does. Some call it “spring break” or “March Madness.” We at least call it Holy. Yet, we’re still tempted to keep our distance. And, that’s not just a function of school schedules or keeping up with our brackets.


CRUCIFIXION IS NOT something we want to see up close. Easter preparations can become a distraction. Yet, there’s something else, I think. Perhaps, we use our timelines, our linear view of history, to keep us safely detached. We focus on looking back to something way behind us, something distance from our current life. Yes, it’s important to honor and remember this event – but it has become something out of which we expect no more surprises.

Lutheran theologian and professor of divinity Joseph Sittler writes:

It was all so long ago, and far away;
Each Lent reminds us in word and hymn and sermon.
And we are reminded, too, that point of the remembering
Is not simply, in pity, to remember.
The point of remembering and prayer and work is
To bring together the past and present,
Our predicament and an everlasting Passion.
The connection must be made because
Christ made it.
And thus became God for us and God with us.

God’s power is beyond time, beyond our linear view of history. The life, death, and resurrection is full of surprises, full of power – power enough to change your whole life, to put your sin to death and raise you up to new life in Christ. The Passion is now, for us, for you, even in this moment, full of grace and love.

‘Leading us forth’

March 12th, 2018

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

During our March 5 plenary of the Spring Conference of Bishops, those gathered issued a statement in solidarity with surviving students of the Florida school shooting and supportive of the March for our Lives rally on March 24 in Washington, D.C.

March for Our Lives is an initiative calling for legislation to effectively address gun violence in the U.S. The initiative has been taken up in “sibling marches,” with close to 700 events planned in hundreds of cities nationwide, as well as in Canada, Latin America, Europe, and Asia.

The ELCA Conference of Bishops “offer our support, partnership, and prayers for the March for Our Lives, its satellite city events, and our children and youth who are leading us forward as peacemakers.”

I invite you to read the statement as a replacement for my blog this week.


In Solidarity with Our Children and Youth 


Our children and youth are like a young Jeremiah prophesying to the people: ”‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'”  (Jeremiah 29:11)

Recently, the students, faculty, and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida experienced tragedy. Seventeen people — students and teachers — were killed by a 19-year-old shooter. In response, students have invited their teachers, families, and allies around the nation to join with them for a March for their Lives on March 24, 2018 in Washington, DC; calling our country into a deeper conversation about school safety and second amendment rights and responsibilities.

We recognize this incident is the latest in a long list of tragic shootings in our country and young people have been calling for protest and change for many years. Some of those young voices have been ignored or silenced because of racial and economic injustice. We cannot let that reality keep us from acting now.

Some of those young voices have been ignored or silenced because of racial and economic injustice. We cannot let that reality keep us from acting now.

Adopted in 1994, the ELCA social message on Community Violence remains sadly relevant today. The message speaks about the causes of violence as complex and pervasive, and of how violence breeds violence. In proclaiming the forgiveness and love of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the church addresses the root of violence while being committed to social actions that respond directly to violence and the people it affects.

From the Social Message: In the face of violence, God’s resolve for peace in human communities is unshakable. Deliberate acts to harm or kill innocent people violate God’s intention for human community. God’s commandment is “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). In proclaiming God’s law, we declare that all people are accountable before God and the community to honor and respect the life God has given. Christians, as salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13) and light of the world (Matthew 5:14), are called to respond to violent crime in the restorative ways taught by Jesus (Matthew 5:38-39), and shown by his actions (John 8:3-11). We are empowered to take up the challenge to prevent violence and to attack the complex causes that make violence so pervasive.

According to Lutheran theology, society is to be ruled by the civil use of the Law. Government is responsible under God for the protection of its citizens and the maintenance of justice and public order. As citizens in a democracy, we have the responsibility to join with others to hold government accountable for protecting society and ensuring justice for all, and to seek changes in policies and practices toward these ends.

That social message was amplified by a social statement, For Peace in God’s World (1995) which, as part of its adoption, offered concrete implementation actions, including: To call upon the members and leaders of this church to support our youth in their struggle to define their identity and vocation as present and future peacemakers…

We, the undersigned members of the Conference of Bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, in solidarity with our children and youth, and in response to our common baptismal vocation: living among God’s faithful people; hearing the word of God and sharing in the Lord’s Supper; proclaiming the good news of God in Christ through word and deed; serving all people following the example of Jesus; and striving for justice and peace in all the earth; offer our support, partnership, and prayers for the March for Our Lives, its satellite city events, and our children and youth who are leading us forward as peacemakers.

[This statement was passed by the Conference of Bishops on March 5, so the names of the undersigned bishops is not included here.]

A conversation for Lent

February 27th, 2018

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

My father liked to hunt pheasant in Montana. My son-in-law grew up hunting deer in northern Minnesota. Though I can’t imagine shooting a gun, I can imagine the suspense and even excitement of waiting in the bushes for a bird to come into view. And I am well aware that the pheasant shot by my father is no different from the chicken I ate last night killed by a local farmer.

But all of that is profoundly different from what happened on February 14.

In the wake of the school shooting in Florida, Peter Marty, ELCA pastor and publisher of The Christian Century, takes a provocative stance on guns: We’re “in golden calf country here, elevating a loyalty to the gun over a fidelity to God’s desire abundant life.”

“Protect Minnesota’s website states ‘We are not anti-gun; we’re anti-gun violence.’”

With 15,592 gun-related deaths last year and no federal legislation in response, Marty may have a point. And his article continues: Our idolatry isn’t only manifested by the reality that it’s “harder to obtain a passport or buy pseudoephedrine than to purchase an AR-15 magazine-fed rifle,” it is revealed in the powerful sway that the gun lobby has on our legislators.

Ten U.S. senators have received millions of NRA funding during their careers (between $1.7 million and $7.7 million to be specific). As Marty laments, “what started for many of them as a respectful decision to cherish one understanding of Second Amendment rights has morphed into a colossal idolatry of lethal weapons, including rapid-fire assault rifles.”


CLOSER TO HOME, ELCA Pastor Nancy Nord Bence serves as executive director of Protect Minnesota, an organization whose mission is to promote a culture of health and safety for all Minnesotans by preventing gun violence through effective laws, policies, and community education. Its website states “We are not anti-gun; we’re anti-gun violence. We support common sense legislation that will keep guns out of the hands of dangerous and suicidal individuals, and prevent the unintentional injury and death of children. We believe gun ownership should be ‘well regulated,’ the way car ownership is.”

“Peter Marty, ELCA pastor and publisher of The Christian Century, says we’re ‘in golden calf country here, elevating a loyalty to the gun over a fidelity to God’s desire abundant life.’”

Protect Minnesota suggests congregations, synods, and denominations consider passing a resolution which includes the words “BE IT RESOLVED, that (Name of congregation or denomination) urges our congressional representatives and state legislators to support gun-violence prevention measures.

Although not a Lutheran, Abraham Lincoln was a trustee at one of our colleges (Carthage in Kenosha, Wisconsin). At a debate about slavery in 1858, he said, “Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it, nothing can succeed. Consequently [the one] who molds public sentiment goes deeper than [the one] who enacts statutes or pronounces decisions. [They make] statutes and decisions possible or impossible to be executed.”


AS LUTHERANS, WE KNOW there is no perfect public policy, no unambiguously good civic action. But, the cries of 15,592 people killed by guns last year challenge us to ask if there is more we can do. One way to begin is to have intentional conversation in our communities of faith. I suggest we use the resource is “Can We Talk about Guns? A Conversation Guide.”

Another possibility is to contact the Minnesota Council of Churches to facilitate a “respectful conversation” on gun violence in Minnesota.

In this Lenten season, may we all be prayerful about the violence in our country and world – and be prayerful about how God may calling us to act in response.

When the dead stump flowers

February 13th, 2018

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen 

“The mark of ashes is one of the few honest words in a culture of illusion.” So began an Ash Wednesday sermon I preached in the early 1990s. Perhaps, the words are even more pertinent today.

We hear about fact checking, truth-o-meters, fake news. Well, this week we enter a season of deep truth-telling – a season that begins with ashes on our brows.

Perhaps, in a culture of illusion, we might turn to the Biblical prophets to guide us. Like the others, the prophet Isaiah minces few words in naming what he sees. Though God had tenderly cared for the people of Judah, they had not born the fruits of faithfulness and justice. Orphans were forgotten.
Widows neglected. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. To satisfy their greed and anesthetize themselves from the cries of poor people, the well-off spent their time at drunken feasts; they spent their money on clothes, perfumes, and trinkets.

“We were created from the dust of the earth; we will return to the dust of the earth; and we live with the dust of sin on our hands.”

But those efforts weren’t strong enough to block out Isaiah’s message. “Instead of perfume, there will be a stench; instead of beautiful hair, baldness; instead of rich robes, a binding of sackcloth. … You who join house to house, who add field to field, until there is room for no one but you, surely your houses will be desolate, large and beautiful houses without inhabitants.”

Because of its sin, Judah would be cut down like a mighty oak. The people’s only hope is this tiny branch, this shoot from the stump of Jesse. It is from that dead stump that flowers one of the most beautiful pictures of justice in all of scripture. The Messiah, the one who comes as a descendant of Jesse, will reign with righteousness, not judging by soundbites or hearsay, but by equity and truth. The forgotten who have no advocate will have no need for one, for the Messiah will come to their defense, establishing a justice never before experienced.


PERHAPS, IN THIS SEASON OF Lent, in these days when we wonder “what is true,” we might consider reading the Biblical prophets as a Lenten discipline.

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. The sooty cross which will soon cling to our skin reminds us of at least truths: we were created from the dust of the earth; we will return to the dust of the earth; and we live with the dust of sin on our hands. We live dependent upon God – for life, for forgiveness, and for life beyond death.

“The mark of ashes is one of the few honest words in a culture of illusion.”

And, then as we journey through Lent, a season of repentance, we open our eyes to see our sin: our petty thoughts, our complicity with sinful structures, our attempts to anesthetize ourselves from the world’s pain, our failure to believe God has gifted us to make a difference.

It is in God’s grace – and because of God’s faithfulness – that we can courageously examine our lives. Confident that God’s promise is not fake news, we can courageously work for the shalom God seeks for all.


January 30th, 2018

By Bishop Ann Svennungsen

A few weeks ago, I was humbled to preach at the funeral of Erik Flom, the 25 year-old-son of Pastor Matt and Nora Flom. In learning more about his life, I found this story from a classmate. She wrote,

“Erik was an indescribably magnetic person. People practically orbited around him. He was always at the center of a group of smiling, laughing people. I was quieter in high school, so I usually just orbited around him at a distance. BUT, whenever I approached a group he was in, he would ALWAYS make space for me, ALWAYS welcome me, ALWAYS make sure I was included in the conversation.”

What a beautiful image – not just for Erik, but for God. God is always making a space for us – for you and me. And there is such a graciousness about Erik’s welcome. It isn’t “hey so and so, why are you standing on the outside of the circle. Come on up here.” But rather, a quiet, respectful, deep expression of welcome. Not calling attention to the fact that you feel on the outside. And no matter who we are, there isn’t a one of us who doesn’t feel at times like we’re the outsider. You wonder, is there a space for me? Am I included – just as I am?


IRONICALLY, IT SEEMS that many think of the church as less about welcome and more about expectations, rules, and the consequences of falling short. The church talks a lot about sin. And sometimes that can confuse us. But, at its core, the forgiveness of sin is one of God’s most radical signs of welcome.  You know how it goes. The preacher says, “God loves you.” And you think, “Oh, if God only knew my real thoughts, my resentments, my fear; if God knew what I did last night, last week; I’m sure God wouldn’t say that. God’s love can’t be for me.”

“No matter who we are, there isn’t a one of us who doesn’t feel at times like we’re the outsider.”

And, that’s the radical, amazing power of forgiveness. God knows you in the very depths of your being, better than you know yourself. And God’s love goes deeper still – forgiving, cleansing, making new. This is radical love. Radical welcome.

We are created in God’s image, claimed as God’s children, and, in Christ, God stopped at nothing – not even death – to show God’s love. All are welcome.

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