“… To strive for justice and peace in all the world.” This baptismal promise raises expectations that the Lutheran Church will bring a public voice to challenging social issues. Congregants, and even those outside the church, look to Christian leaders to interpret what it means to strive for justice in the face of the injustice and suffering of our day.

The Public Voice Committee works to equip rostered and lay leaders to engage congregations on serious moral issues. Because the church cannot look on lovingly from the sidelines and still be relevant to the real lives of real people, the synod’s Public Voice Committee strives to create safe places for leaders to explore the prophetic role of Christian disciples and communities.

Photo to the right is from MPR article: http://www.mprnews.org/story/2015/04/02/payday-loan-debt

Luther contends that preachers are called to hold their leaders to account. He rebukes those who don’t: “These are the lazy and worthless preachers who do not tell the princes and lords their sins. They lie down and snore in their office and do nothing that pertains to it except that, like swine, they take up room where good preachers should stand.” — Luther’s Works 13:47-49
“As followers of Christ, we seek to express and embody God’s reconciling love at all times and in all places. Throughout the Scriptures, God speaks of our purpose to rebuild, restore and renew all that is broken (Isaiah 61). We work to end the brokenness of hunger and poverty in our communities, in our country, and around the world. We partner in God’s work to remove the barriers that impede the flourishing God intended for all people.” — Bread For the World

Sample prayers and actions

Over the years, the synod has compiled some examples of prayers, services, and actions that you can use for different scenarios.