“Scripture calls us, as part of our Christian response, to walk in solidarity with people of color, because standing in silence sanctions continued injustice and violence.” – from the Minneapolis Area Synod Resolution Addressing Racial Injustice (RC2016-01)
The Minneapolis Area Synod is committed to working on racial justice in our synod and in our communities. We’ve learned that this work takes many forms and includes a diverse group of staff, clergy, and lay leaders across our synod.

Faithful Steps
Check out this step-by-step guide for congregations starting to engage in racial justice compiled by Brenda Blackhawk, former Congregational Organizer for Racial Justice.
Racial Justice Programming
We have six distinct programmatic groups working in various ways on different pieces of racial justice:
- Unite Table
- Mission Table
- Leaders of Color
- Racial Justice Liaisons
- Muslim Solidarity Task Force
Racial Justice Organizing
The Minneapolis Area Synod believes in the power of direct action organizing as a tool to lift up diverse leaders and create long-lasting structural change that is felt in the lives of real people. Currently, this work is being carried out by the Synod’s Strategic Organizing Against Racism (SOAR) team.
Racial Justice Development
Our synod works hard to ensure that our staff, our members, and our neighbors have the opportunity to grow and develop, especially when it comes to cultural competency and racial equity. The Synod and its partners have several different tools and devices to support that development:
- Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)
- The Center for Leadership and Neighborhood Engagement
- Resources for Individuals and Congregations
The Racial Justice Summit
The 2019 Racial Justice Summit gathered about 70 members from these various groups. Many specific issues of racial inequity in the church were lifted up but the group felt strongly about three of them:
- Synod Financial Equity
- Safe Calls for Pastors of Color
- Inclusive Language and Symbolism
Each synod group has different roles to play in ensuring our synod, and our communities are just communities. Click here to learn more about the plan in place to improve racial equity.
Repairing the Harms of Racism in Minnesota
“Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, ‘Look, half of my possessions, Lord, I will give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will pay back four times as much.’” (Luke 19:8)
The Minneapolis Area Synod, a member judicatory of the Minnesota Council of Churches (MCC), is partnering with the Council to embark on an ambitious initiative for truth telling, education, and reparations. “The killing of George Floyd has opened our eyes once again to the deadly consequences of racism in our state,” said Bishop Ann Svennungsen at the October 20, 2020, launch event. “Heart-breakingly, the Christian church has too often kept silent. Now, we must speak. It’s a moment of great urgency. A moment we cannot lose.”
View this press conference launching the project: