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Rev. Barbara Lundblad named 2024 Fosdick Lecturer

Augsburg University Campus Ministry has announced that the Rev. Barbara Lundblad has been selected as the keynote speaker for the Seventh Annual Fosdick Lecture on Preaching. Lundblad, the Joe R. Engle Professor of Preaching Emerita at Union Theological Seminary, will speak on the theme “Shall the Christian Nationalists Win?” (This title is an homage to one of Harry Emerson Fosdick’s well-known sermons: “Shall the Fundamentalists Win?”)

Thursday, February 29; 10:00 a.m. 
Hoversten Chapel, Augsburg University 
Livestream available

Lundblad is the author of two books, Transforming the Stone: Preaching through Resistance to Change (2010) and Marking Time: Reaching Biblical Stories in Present Tense (2007). She is a retired rostered minister in the ELCA and served as parish pastor in New York City for 17 years.

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