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Date: Thursday, February 22
Time: 6:30 – 8:00pm
Location: TLC Sanctuary
Cost: FREE!

Bruce Mac Kenzie of Braver Angels
Mr. Michael Wall, a Voter Outreach Specialist for the Office of Minnesota Secretary of State

Do you know why we have the electoral college or what it does? How about caucuses?
Walk with us in creating a shared consciousness of our voting system and build a less rancorous world where we can discuss important issues respectfully.

This is the first in a series of non-partisan discussions led by MN leaders and organizations to both raise our shared knowledge and lower the rancor. Representative governments, like ours, need an informed populace to prosper. Be part of the growth in awareness. This event is free and will be the first in a series of high-quality educational opportunities for our congregation and our neighbors.


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