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A one-hour free webinar, Addiction & Our Military, will be presented on Zoom, Nov. 11, 2021, 11AM-12Noon CT, hosted by Center of Addiction & Faith. The featured guest will be Retired U.S. Army Major John Donovan. John has 40 years of sobriety and speaks and lectures to audiences on substance use disorder and recovery.

Veterans are more likely to report both general use and heavy use of alcohol than their non-veteran counterparts. Of veterans who enter a treatment program, 65% report alcohol as the substance they most frequently misuse. That’s almost double that of the general population. Veterans also have higher risk of suicide than their peers who have not served. Retired U.S. Major John Donovan is determined to improve these deadly statics. He will teach members of faith communities what they can do to help our veterans find their task and purpose again. Honor a veteran on Veteran’s Day by learning about Major John Donovan’s work.

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