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ELCA Domestic Hunger Grants application webinar

The ELCA World Hunger program recently announced the application process for 2024 Domestic Hunger Grants. While more information will follow (so watch this space next week), it was announced that a webinar explaining changes in the process will be offered Wednesday, May 3, at 2:00 p.m., Central time.

ELCA Domestic Hunger Grants are awarded to ELCA congregations or organizations, or to other nonprofits with significant connections to ELCA congrgations. These are three-year grants up to $10,000 per year. In 2023, 53 groups across the 65 synods were awarded Domestic Hunger Grants. No applicants for the Minneapolis Area Synod received grants for the 2023 award year.

Wednesday, May 3
2:00 p.m., Central time

To register: us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwudemgqzgvG9Rxzo5BVxOl3n8NlqVQXtzy.#/registration

If your congregation is interested in applying for, or supporting an application for, a Domestic Hunger Grant, it would be good to attend the May 3 webinar. If you have further questions, contact Bob Hulteen after May 3, and include “Domestic Hunger Grant” in the subject line.

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