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From Wedding Rings to Nose Rings — Generational Differences in the Pews

Have you been wondering why some churches elect to rent a high school gym or area hotel for worship? Or why the front of the worship space is an electronic haven? For some, church attendance is a given; for others it is “nice if you can make it.”

At the time of this presentation, worship is being done with up to six generations attending/watching/listening. The world we live in changes continually as has attendance patterns and financial support of places of worship. The presenter will be Faith Roberts, MSN, RN, NEA-BC.

Tuesday, October 10
6:00 – 8:00 p.m., CT

Understanding what defines each generation helps the practicing Faith Community Nurse (FCN) to support programming and services that speak to different age groups. The registration fee will be $30 for LFCNA members; $50 for non-members. Contact hours provided: 2.0

For more information or to register: https://lutheranfcna.org/event-5408822

Contact person: Carol DeSchepper at lutheranfcna@gmail.com

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