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Some say you can summarize Martin Luther’s theology in two words: “grace” and “vocation.” And, you could also say that Luther expanded the meaning of each word. Grace is sufficient (period). Grace is for all (no exceptions). And, with his theology of the “priesthood of all believers,” Luther was clear that each and every Christian has a vocation(s); all the baptized are called to lives of love for the neighbor in their daily life and work.

Our synod is sort of in “call committee” mode, preparing for the election and call of a new bishop. As part of the process, we invite all rostered leaders to gather for a Spring Ministerium for a conversation about Vocation.

Thursday, January 25, 2024; 8:30 a.m. – Noon
Oak Knoll Lutheran Church 
600 Hopkins Crossroads, Minnetonka

We’ll begin with worship, including a time to celebrate and reflect on our own vocations, as well as a re-commissioning in our callings.

Following worship, we will hear some reflections from Bishop Ann on “The Role of Bishop as I’ve experienced it the past 12 years” and engage in conversation about God’s vision for our synod in the years ahead.

Please join us at Oak Knoll Lutheran Church!



More information: Ministerium page

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