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Preaching for Action – CANCELLED
July 7, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Join the Minneapolis Area Synod staff organizers for a morning of learning
and sermon planning.
We’ll do a deep dive into three upcoming lectionary texts that connect to justice issues impacting the communities and congregations in our synod.
This event, Preaching for Action, will focus on three lectionary texts, each connected to an issue that leaders in our synod congregations are engaging.
We will feature one preacher and one storyteller for each lectionary text. The storyteller will share an experience that’s personal to them, and the preacher will offer a sermon that weaves story, theology, and a call to action. You will also get a glimpse into their process to see what you can take away for your own planning.
You’ll leave this event with a toolkit of preaching prompts and resources, and prepared action steps for your congregation. You may even want to use your action step for “God’s Work, Our Hands” on Sunday, September 11!
Other details:
- Register by June 22 to secure ASL interpretation, Spanish interpretation, or childcare services.
- Registration to purchase a lunch will close on June 29. Registration for the workshop portion will close on July 6.
- The workshop will take place 9 a.m. – 12 p.m at Westwood Lutheran Church in St. Louis Park. There will be an optional lunch and discussion time from 12 to 1 p.m. You can either bring your own lunch or pay for a lunch with your registration. The meal will be sandwich box lunches from Gramsky’s.
- If you know of others who preach, please share this invitation with them. Worship leaders and leaders preparing for “God’s Work, Our Hands” are also welcome!
- With questions, contact one of our staff organizers
To register: https://mplsareasynod.regfox.com/preaching-for-action
The Texts and Presenters
Amos 8:1-12 (July 17)
Focusing on the issues of economic exploitation, specifically predatory lending
Ms. Sherry Shannon
Rev. Jay Carlson
Isaiah 5:1-7 (August 14)
Focusing on the issues of environmental justice and energy equity
Focusing on the issues of environmental justice and energy equity
Ms. Allyson Green
Pastor Eric Hoffer
Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 (August 28)
Focusing on the issue of voter re-enfranchisement
Ms. Amy Koopman
Mr. Rico Morales