Respectful Conversation About Hopes and Fears in Post-Election America
April 7 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Faith Lutheran is inviting local community leaders, elected officials, and members of the wider community with various backgrounds and beliefs to join this respectful conversation. The goal is to people together when a record-high 80 percent of U.S. adults believe Americans are greatly divided.
A light dinner will be served, and registration is free!
We would love for you to join us by reserving your spot today at this link: https://mnchurches.org/what-we-do/respectful-conversations/register.
Respectful Conversations are structured, facilitated conversations designed not to change minds, but soften hearts. Since 2012, more than 8,500 Minnesotans have participated in over 300 Respectful Conversations, facilitated by the MN Council of Churches, on a variety of divisive topics. Those who have participated previously in a Respectful Conversation have reported that they have a stronger sense of empathy for those whose viewpoint is different from their own. They felt listened to and commented on how people in the community can talk about their differences in a way that stitches us together rather than tears us apart.