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The Shape of Leadership is for ministers who want to make a significant impact on the future of the church through their own bold leadership. In this ecumenical program, participants gather for one year to develop their leadership—through experimenting with innovative practices; deepening self-awareness; developing a support system; and learning to navigate power, change, conflict, and the daily challenges of leadership. Participants integrate their personal theological and Biblical commitments with leadership concepts and practices from a variety of disciplines, especially the adaptive leadership framework. Core to the program is deepening self-awareness around leadership gifts and leading. The program is highly experiential and collaborative and offers the opportunity to develop long-lasting relationships among other exceptional leaders in the church.

Shape facilitators take seriously the adaptive challenge of creating a leadership development experience that sticks. We work hard. We ask you to work hard. You will be rewarded for your hard work through transforming your leadership—so you can help transform your corner of the world.

The adaptive leadership framework is an ever-present component of the year-long program. All gatherings also include spiritual practice/worship and reflection time. Additional topics are inserted along the way, depending on the needs of the group.

More information can be found at the LeaderWise website

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