
Keeping Faith: Empowering Faith Communities to Recognize and Respond to Child Abuse & Neglect


This course empowers faith communities to recognize and respond to cases of sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. Included are discussions detailing the impact of child abuse on a victim's sense of spirituality and offering concrete suggestions for working with medical and mental health professionals to assist a child in coping with maltreatment. [...]

They’re Still Taking Our Children: The Evolution of Boarding Schools

This event will focus on how the legacy of Indian Boarding Schools evolved into our current child welfare system in Minnesota and how the Indian Child Welfare Act works to protect our Native families. Leaning on lived experience working in Indian Child Welfare, our speakers will walk us through the evolution of boarding schools and how [...]

Effective Church Councils Workshop Series


This series of four sessions, held over five months, is designed to help congregational councils grow in their role as leaders of the congregation, as well as learn how to have more effective and efficient council meetings.  Tools will be shared to help lower the anxiety of leaders so that you are freed for creativity [...]