A Story of Hope from the Holy Land Join Rabbi Andrea London, the Rev. Dr. Michael Nabors, and the Rev. Daniel Tallon Ruen for a story of interfaith and intercultural pilgrimage. U.S. religious and ethnic diversity interacts with the beauty, struggle, and complexity of the Holy Land. A discussion about current issues and challenges will [...]
Meet other youth ministry folks to share ideas, learn from one another, and be supported. Part-time, full-time, pastors, and volunteers welcome to join! February 14 - Let's Talk About Sex
A Day Lenten Journey Attend this day retreat with Rev. Dr. Karoline Lewis in-person or virtually for an in-depth study of the “I Am” statements of Jesus, so together may we enter the season of Lent with new perspective and grounding hope. Tuesday, February 21 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Mount Olivet Conference and Retreat [...]
Trauma & Its Healing Trauma includes any disturbing experience that elicits a highly negative emotional response. The speaker is Dr. Patricia Fosarelli, M.D, M.Div. This event is sponsored by the Lutheran Faith Community Nurse Association. Tuesday, February 21 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Zoom For more information: https://elpna.org/page-18165