Hearing, Helping, Healing our Neighbors with Mental Health Challenges The Fosdick Lecture on Preaching at Augsburg University: Hearing. Helping. Healing our Neighbors with Mental Health Challenges. Senator John Marty and Mindy Greiling will share their personal and legislative experience in addressing mental health concerns. In person or via Zoom. Tuesday, March 7 10:00 - 11:50 [...]
“George Floyd Woke Me Up. Now What?” Discerning our Next Faithful Move Toward Racial Justice and Healing with David Scherer and Joe Davis A grace-based training program that equips leaders with tools and resources to facilitate transformative action in interculturality and anti-racism. In this engaging workshop, Joe Davis and David Scherer provide embodied practices that [...]
Children's Ministry Zoom Join in to brainstorm and share summer plans and ideas. Let's get creative about what can be done with kids and families outside. March 13 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85076129637?pwd=dEQvV1hyM0ZuTVl1OVd0bHVWTHlwZz09 Meeting ID: 850 7612 9637 Passcode: 473439 Contact persons: Julie Vagle at Juliev@trinitylonglake.org or Rachelle Gill at rgill@eater.org
Meet other youth ministry folks to share ideas, learn from one another, and be supported. Part-time, full-time, pastors, and volunteers welcome to join! March 14 - Inclusive Youth Ministries
Thoughts on Nature and the Environment from a Naturalist Writer’s Lens As part of its Inspired Life Speaker Series at All Saints Lutheran Church in Minnetonka, Susan Leaf will offer reflections from the point of view of a naturalist writer. Leaf is author of Portage: A Family, a Canoe, and the Search for the Good [...]
Growing Through Grief Experientially focused, this retreat will include options for processing grief through music, art, movement, prayer, meditation, and time in nature. In addition, participants can meet briefly with a counselor, spiritual director, or pastor for support and consultation throughout the day. Saturday, March 25 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mount Olivet Conference and [...]
Addiction and Women This is a free one-hour webinar presented by The Center of Addiction & Faith. When it comes to addiction & treatment, women often face a unique set of challenges, a history of trauma, and barriers to effective treatment. Caroline Beidler -- author, recovery advocate, and founder of "Bright Story Shine" -- will [...]