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How to Spark Curiosity (Center of Addiction and Faith Book Club)
The Center of Addiction and Faith is hosting a book club. Are you interested in talking to other people about shifting away from criminal justice approaches to drugs and addiction? Are you passionate about health-centered solutions but not sure how to communicate those ideas and values? It can be confusing, polarizing, and just plain hard. [...]
Bonhoeffer, the Gospel and the Other: A Bonhoeffer Salon
Luther Seminary 2481 Como Ave, St. PaulTripp Fuller and Andrew Root will lead a rich conversation about the remarkable life and enduring relevance of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Before his imprisonment and martyrdom for working with the German resistance, Bonhoeffer lived and shared the gospel in an increasingly dangerous world. Come discover how Bonhoeffer’s ideas of who is “Other” impacted how he lived—and [...]