Faith-based Organizations in Sustainable Health Development: October Symposium


Conversations about global health and the role of faith-based organizations in sustainable health development: How has the ground shifted since the pandemic? On October 6 the focus is on public partnerships, and speakers include representatives from USAID and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, as well as Dr. John Nkengasong, Director of Africa CDC, and Jodi Harpstead, [...]

Grounded & Grateful, a day with Diane Butler Bass


This is a one-day event designed to provide church leaders with a rich opportunity to connect, reflect and rejuvenate. Since early 2020, the ground under our feet has shaken and shifted. We’ve become dislocated. We’ve experienced loss, death, unwanted change, systemic racism, and exposure of the underbelly of a society that is something other than [...]

2021 Addiction & Faith Conference

DoubleTree by Hilton Bloomington, MN, United States

It’s Time to Register for Addiction & Faith Conference The Center of Addiction & Faith will hold its third Addiction & Faith Conference October 7-9, 2021, in Bloomington, Minnesota, to give faith communities tools for responding to the addiction crisis. Registration is open for in-person and virtual attendance at The Center grew out of the Fellowship [...]


Mental Health & Gun Violence


Studies indicate that between 3-5% of all firearm homicides are the result of mental illness. In Minnesota, 79% of gun deaths are suicide by gun. A typical mass murderer is described as isolated, lacking in social support, bears a grudge, is angry and externalizes blame. Yet the vast majority of people diagnosed with psychiatric disorders [...]

A Pilgrimage to Remember and Reflect

Why this Social Action Pilgrimage? People go on pilgrimage for many reasons. Some common ones are: to visit a sacred space; to seek healing; to give thanks; to heed an inner sense of call; to reclaim a lost or abandoned part of oneself. This pilgrimage offers the chance to connect the soul of our communities through intentional [...]

A People of Hope: Until All Are Fed


A People of Hope: Until All Are Fed An online benefit for ELCA World Hunger When: Thursday, Oct. 14, 7:30 p.m. Central time Where: Zoom webinar   This online benefit for ELCA World Hunger will feature interviews hosted by  Rick Steves, with people on the ground who are doing the dynamic work of fighting hunger [...]

2021 National CROP Hunger Walk

Wherever you choose!

Join us for the 2021 National CROP Hunger Walk on World Food Day, October 16th and end hunger in the U.S. and around the world! Walk on your treadmill, in your neighborhood, in a park with friends – you choose the location and the experience. Walk one day - 3.7 miles (the average distance a [...]

Bold Gathering (Lutheran Men in Mission)

"You Give What None of Us Can!" Rev. Dr. Sean L. Forde will share about the give and take in servant leadership. Leaders give and serve, but they also receive great gifts from those they lead and serve. LMM's Young Men's Ministry Team was a special time with servant leaders who served and blessed the [...]

Confidence in Conflict: Navigating the Struggle


When you hear the word conflict, what reaction happens in your body? Is it possible to have a healthy relationship with conflict? How do you develop the capacity to enter into conflict well? These are some burning questions that we’ll explore with you in this online conflict workshop on October 21 from 1:00 to 4:00 [...]

Come Together for Racial Justice


How do we build true relationships across differences? That is a common question these days. Increasingly, people know that trust must be established. But, how is that done? How is it maintained? What moves BIPOC folks to risk potential harm for the sake of community? How do white folks acknowledge the systems that don't merit [...]