What is Discipleship in the Information Age? Certain core principles of faithful discipleship remain constant -- such as telling the truth (1 John 2:24) -- but the way disciples practice them in the 21st century may look different from how it looked in the 1st. Faith is a main driver of human behavior and so [...]
Addiction, Faith, Science, and Public Policy The Center of Addiction & Faith is presenting a one-hour free webinar titled "Addiction, Faith, Science, and Public Policy." Faith communities play a vital role in recovery and prevention. This webinar will explore the reasons why faith and spirituality can be integral to recovery and the critical importance of [...]
Meet other youth ministry folks to share ideas, learn from one another, and be supported. Part-time, full-time, pastors, and volunteers welcome to join! December 13 - Social Time
As the Dark Awaits the Dawn: An Evening Vespers Service for the Winter Solstice On the longest night, many of us are yearning for a presence stronger than ourselves to carry our load. Come hold your thoughts, struggles, and prayers with us, and throw your burdens into the fire through a shared burning burdens ceremony. [...]