Voices Rising: A Choral Affirmation of Black Lives


Voices Rising: A Choral Affirmation of Black Lives is a united artistic response to the murders of George Floyd and Daunte Wright that have placed the Twin Cities at the heart of our nation’s racial reckoning. Voices Rising will feature nearly 200 singers from 12 local choral organizations, including The National Lutheran Choir, and is curated and [...]

“Catching God’s Breath in the Age of #BlackLivesMatter”

United Theological Seminary

"Catching God's Breath in the Age of #BlackLivesMatter" You are invited to attend United's Gustafson Lectureship in New Testament Studies, delivered by Dr. Angela N. Parker, assistant professor of New Testament and Greek at Mercer University's McAfee School of Theology. She received her BA in religion and philosophy from Shaw University; her MTS from Duke [...]