Voices Rising: A Choral Affirmation of Black Lives


Voices Rising: A Choral Affirmation of Black Lives is a united artistic response to the murders of George Floyd and Daunte Wright that have placed the Twin Cities at the heart of our nation’s racial reckoning. Voices Rising will feature nearly 200 singers from 12 local choral organizations, including The National Lutheran Choir, and is curated and [...]

Summer Music Clinics

First Lutheran Church of Columbia Heights 1555 40th Ave NE, Columbia Heights, MN, United States

Church musicians, consider signing up for Augsburg Fortress’ FREE summer music clinic in the Twin Cities area this July 14-15. There you can attend workshops with organist Jan Kraybill and choral director Tom Trenney, browse the latest music offerings from Augsburg Fortress, and more! Learn more > Register >
