God intends for the Church to be a safe place for all people to experience God’s love and mercy, grow in faith, and equip themselves for ministry in the world. And yet at times the church has not been a safe place and sexual misconduct has caused injury and pain to individuals and communities. As one expression of the church, the Minneapolis Area Synod (MAS) is committed to creating and maintaining a safe climate and working to prevent sexual harassment and misconduct in all its forms. Moreover, if violations occur, the MAS will create a culture of safe reporting, promptly investigate, and support all those impacted.
The MAS has specific responsibilities related to rostered ministers. This includes managing the roster status of rostered ministers. The congregation has responsibility for employment matters for both rostered leaders and lay persons. The MAS will provide support, training, and resources for congregational leaders in developing their own policies and practices on preventing and responding to misconduct by rostered ministers, employees, volunteers, or members.
In the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, there are two lists of professional ministers called within the church. These lists are called rosters. Pastors are ordained to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament. Deacons are ordained to the Ministry of Word and Service.
How to Make a Report
The Synod seeks to remove barriers for reporting misconduct. Therefore, there are various ways to make a report including:
- To the Minneapolis Area Synod
122 W. Franklin Ave, Suite 600
Minneapolis, MN 55404
612-870-3610 - The Bishop and their staff (j.nagel@mpls-synod.org (confidential email))
- The ELCA hotline – 773-380-2568
- Other designees:
- Ms. Felecia Boone, Synod Vice President, 612-501-8430, vice.president@mpls-synod.org
Any report will be sent to the bishop promptly. The congregational leadership is informed when sexual misconduct is substantiated.
This is a quick reference. Be sure to read the full policy as well.