By Bob Hulteen

What happens to Synod Assembly resolutions when there is no assembly? That’s a legitimate question given the fact that the April 2020 Minneapolis Area Synod was cancelled in accordance with health guidelines offered by the State of Minnesota.

The Synod Council and program staff of the synod meet June 18 to discuss the business of the synod.

The synod’s Reference and Counsel Committee had prepared and sent forward six resolutions for consideration by the Synod Assembly, which is the highest governing body of the synod. The topics of the resolutions included recognition of deacons of governing bodies, supportive ministry for Deaf culture, climate change, the banning of nuclear weapons, ethical purchasing practices related to conflict minerals, and the synod’s status regarding sanctuary.

“Despite the fact that the 2020 Synod Assembly was cancelled, the necessary business of the church continues.”

At a special meeting in early June, following the announcement that there would be no assembly in 2020, the Reference and Counsel Committee concluded that all resolutions should be sent for consideration by the Synod Council. (The Reference and Counsel Committee is called into being each year for the purposes of business at the assembly; it is not in and of itself a governing body in the synod.)

The Minneapolis Area Synod Council took action on the resolutions at its June 18 meeting. It tabled two of the resolutions – RC2020-04 (“Conflict-free Equipment Purchases”) and RC2020-05 (“The Banning of Nuclear Weapons”) – and referred a third one, RC2020-06 (“Sanctuary Synod Status”), was referred to the Public Voice Committee to develop a strategic plan around the synod and sanctuary.


IN ADDITION, THE Synod Council debated three resolutions at the June meeting. RC2020-01 (“Representation of Ministers of Word and Service in Synod Bodies”) directs the synod’s nominating committee to ensure that recruitment of rostered leaders now intentionally include deacons for all committees for which there is an election. It further calls on the Bishop to do the same with leadership bodies for which members are appointed. (At the 2019 Churchwide Assembly, the status of Ministers of Word and Service, or deacons, was changed so that they are now rostered leaders in the ELCA.) This resolution was approved by the Synod Council.

Making all synodical resources available to Deaf Lutherans was the topic of RC2020-02 (“Ministry with and in Support of Deaf Culture”). This resolution called for the synod’s Unite Table to create a collection of resources educating the synod’s clergy and lay leaders on issues facing the Deaf community, as well as calling on the synod’s communication department to produce materials accessible to Deaf members in synod congregations. This resolution was approved by the Synod Council.

RC2020-03 (“Action Regarding Climate Justice”) calls on synod congregations to consider their calling to care for creation during the period from World Day of Prayer for Creation on September 1 and the commemoration day of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4 in 2020. Congregations are urged to incorporate climate justice themes in worship and preaching, according to this resolution, with resources being provided by the synod’s EcoFaith Network. This resolution was approved by the Synod Council.

Despite the fact that the 2020 Synod Assembly was cancelled, the necessary business of the church continues.