By Kayla Zopfi

“Holy Cross was founded on April 19, 1940. Thirty-seven people, representing 185 communicants, to whom Trinity First Lutheran Church had granted release three days earlier, approved the name “Holy Cross Lutheran Church,” accepted a constitution, elected officers, and extended a call to Pastor Carl J. Hoffmann… On Nov. 19, 1940, the congregation purchased the land where the church now stands.” (About Us, 2021)

After almost eight decades of affiliation with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), Holy Cross began wondering if their  denominational affiliation still aligned with their vision and values. Conversations within their Board of Directors, congregation, and surrounding South Minneapolis community led them to think about a different path forward.

In May 2021, Pastor Norma Malfatti, Director of Evangelical Mission for the Minneapolis Area Synod, received a call. Board President Stephen Blomberg reached out to inquire about the process of becoming a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America(ELCA). Months later, Holy Cross voted, almost unanimously, to move their affiliation to the ELCA.  

“The Minneapolis Area Synod has been delighted to partner with Holy Cross as they discern affiliating with the ELCA,” says Pastor Norma.  

The transition into an ELCA congregation is relatively straight forward, and is as follows: 

  1. Congregation votes to disaffiliate with current denomination
  2. Congregation votes to affiliate with the ELCA
  3. Congregation passes new constitution 
  4. Congregation writes a letter to the bishop and synod council of the ELCA synod they would join requesting to be a part of that synod and the ELCA. 
  5. A resolution is presented at the following Synod Assembly to welcome the new congregation into the synod.

Holy Cross currently finds themself between steps four and five. In Nov. 2021 the Minneapolis Area Synod Council voted to accept Holy Cross into the synod, and at the end of April, they will be formally and officially welcomed into the ELCA at the 2022 Synod Assembly.


CURRENTLY SERVING Holy Cross is interim pastor, Don Mulfinger of the LCMS. He says that the best thing about Holy Cross is the people, “They don’t glory in themselves, they just love being together. They’re always looking for a way that they can reach out to the people around them.”  

Moving forward, congregants are feeling ready to gather for some brave conversations that will inform how they continue navigating their exciting future. Particularly, notes Stephen Blomberg, they’re looking forward to calling their first ELCA pastor. “This will lock people in,” says Blomberg, “or chase them away,” he jokes, laughing. 

Since beginning the process the make-up of their congregation has remained consistent. Less than a handful of members have left, citing their disapproval of the denomination change as the reason. Other members see this as a welcome opportunity for community building.  

The story of Holy Cross Lutheran Church is a story of deep listening and belonging. From their successful food pantry, to their talented and dedicated choir, to their recent decision to move denominations as a way to be more authentic in their expression of their vision, this is a congregation rooted in gracious invitation. Illustrative of this is a welcome note found on the home page of their website:

“We invite ordinary people
with everyday struggles,
who need a place to lighten the load. 

We offer a hug if you need one,
a blessing if you seek one,
and a place to belong if you want one.” 



Holy Cross Lutheran Church worships on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. for about an hour. Join them at 1720 East Minnehaha Parkway, Minneapolis. 

Holy Cross Lutheran Church. (2021) About Us: Our History.