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Tubfrim – A Mindekirken Mission Project

January 23rd, 2014

Mindekirken (Norwegian Lutheran Church, Minneapolis) is doing mission in a new way. This past year alone, they have collected 38 pounds of cancelled stamps and used phone cards to help handicapped children and youth in Norway, and support tuberculosis research. Members of Mindekirken and people around the country bring (or even pay postage to mail) […]

Celebrating Student Discipleship

January 23rd, 2014

From the Lutheran Campus Ministry blog “Lutheran Campus Ministry-Twin Cities has long been committed to cultivating faithful leaders for both church and world.  We are excited to announce that we have been awarded a 5 year, $100,000 grant from the Lilly Endowment to deepen and strengthen our leadership development and vocational discernment work with undergraduate students […]

A reflection from Pastor Jane Buckley-Farlee about Christian witness in “Little Mogadishu”

January 15th, 2014

It was January 1st.  I walked into the Brian Coyle Community Center in Cedar-Riverside around noon.  At first glance it was like all of the other times I had been there before.  But this time was different.  This was not a community celebration or a neighborhood meeting; this was because of the devastating horror of […]

Semilla Project, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

October 31st, 2013

Phillips corner gets a face-lift “The blighted corner of Lake Street and Bloomington Avenue in Minneapolis just got a giant pick-me-up in the form of a 3,000-square-foot mural adorning La Mexicana Grocery. Titled ‘Juntos Crecemos’ (‘Together We Grow’), it’s the latest beautification effort from the Semilla Community Arts Program of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, a […]

Northside Leadership Project

September 23rd, 2013

The Glenwood House is a recently completed duplex in the Harrison neighborhood of North Minneapolis, built by Redeemer Lutheran Church and volunteer labor. It’s not just a house, though. It’s part of a greater vision, called the Northside Leadership Project. This project will co-house some of the neighborhood’s young people, alongside current students and recent […]

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