
Allowing God in

December 3rd, 2018

By Courtney Olsen Felecia Boone, elected Synod Council vice president at the 2018 Minneapolis Area Synod Assembly, brings a wealth of experience to the synod from her varied portfolio of 26 years of work with Hennepin County. “It’s been a way to serve people and deliver on the core values and the mission of the […]

Be hearers of the Word: Podcasts and a new way of talking faith

November 19th, 2018

By Courtney Olsen How does a pastor preach in the digital age? This is the question that the Revs. Matthew Ian Fleming and Derek Tonsgard asked as they sat with the Revs. Meta Herrick Carlson and Miriam Samuelson-Roberts one fall afternoon. “We talked about what [preaching in the digital age] might look like,” remembers Fleming. […]

The Summer Youth Program: Learning about the gospel in a time of ‘not learning’

October 9th, 2018

By Courtney Olsen When schools close their doors for the summer, churches open theirs: the warm weather and break from school provide the perfect space for congregations to focus their energy on youth programming. Financial barriers, however, can prevent churches from putting on a youth event. The synod’s summer youth program grants are working to […]

Accompany policy for young adults

September 18th, 2018

By Courtney Olsen Last month, 80 young adults from around the country gathered at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago for a week of relationship building, learning, and preparation. These developing leaders are participating in Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM), an international service program through the ELCA. YAGM invites young adults between the […]

Stewarding Imagination: Grants available from church’s legacy to fund enhanced ministry

August 17th, 2018

By Pr. Craig Pederson The Minneapolis Area Synod Council’s Executive Committee and the Resurrection Fund Advisory Committee (RFAC) are pleased to announce the first round of Ministry Imagination Grant awards. Eighteen different projects have been awarded a total of $181,860.00! Ministry Imagination Grants are funded through the Resurrection Fund of the Minneapolis Area Synod (MAS), […]

Mr. Eric Howard named new executive assistant to Bishop Ann Svennungsen

August 6th, 2018

August 6, 2018, Minneapolis — Bishop Ann Svennungsen is pleased to announce that Mr. Eric Howard joins the staff of the Minneapolis Area Synod today as Executive Assistant to the Bishop. Eric replaces Dee Cole Vodicka, who had served in this role until late May. “From our initial interview, I was excited by the possibility […]

The People Gathered: Messiah Lutheran sells its building and it feels fine

July 9th, 2018

By Emily Campbell On the first Sunday of Advent in 2008, congregants filed out of Messiah Lutheran Church in South Minneapolis and continued to walk a block and half to Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota’s (LSS) Center for Changing Lives. Carrying the church’s altar candles and paraments with them, members of the congregation processed to […]

Beyond Denial: Churches and addiction

June 5th, 2018

Not too many years ago, congregational councils debated whether to let “recovery organizations” use church space. Often the argument against opening the doors included fear of coffee stains on the carpet and cigarette smoke in the curtains. And then, many congregations realized that a gracious policy toward people who were experiencing the reality of resurrection […]

Inspired by God’s Spirit, the Synod Assembled

May 11th, 2018

By Bob Hulteen Under the theme, “I Will Pour out My Spirit,” more than 450 voting members of congregations participated in the 2018 Minneapolis Area Synod (MAS) Assembly May 4-5, 2018, at Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Ramsey, Minnesota. The assembly keynote speakers were Archbishop Musa Panti Filibus, judicatory leader of the Lutheran Church […]

Imagine That: Congregations invited to apply for ‘ministry imagination’ grants

April 17th, 2018

By Bob Hulteen What does resurrection look like today? How does life arise from death? The members of Lutheran Church of the Reformation, a St. Louis Park congregation that closed in 2015 and donated the property to the synod, have left a legacy of resurrection. A portion of the $1.2 million proceeds from the sale […]

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