Learn more about the synod’s new and strategic ministries below.

Mission Table and Director of Evangelical Mission

The Mission Table supports the New and Strategic Ministries of the Minneapolis Area Synod.

The table supports the remarkable leaders of the new and strategic ministries as they cultivate communities of faith with passion and vision.

The Mission Table supports diversity, inclusion and economic equity. As such, the table’s financial support of ministries is most often directed to congregations that are distinctly grounded in a non-dominant culture. The table steers the wider church towards its social statement on race, ethnicity and culture.

The Director of Evangelical Mission (DEM) supports the Mission Table and the New and Strategic Ministries of the Synod.

The position of the DEM represents the ELCA through the Christian Community and Leadership Area in the Minneapolis Area Synod. It is responsible for the development of Congregational Vitality that enables congregations in this synod to “nurture new life-changing relationships with God, one another, and the world.” In doing so, it reflects the purposes, principles, and commitments of the synod and the ELCA. The DEM is also responsible to facilitate education in the synod through creatively coordinating strategies designed to help congregations engage more people in knowing Jesus and spreading Christ’s love and justice in society.

The DEM is also expected to fully participate in the life and ministry of the synod, responsible for implementing and building upon ELCA commitments to ethnic-specific communities, people with disabilities, the young adults, people and communities experiencing poverty, and demonstrating commitment to diversity, equity, and anti-racism. This position is also required to actively participate in a Christian congregation and God’s mission, including supporting mission developers and pastors of strategic congregations.


New Ministries

Sometimes the best way to invite more people into Christian community is to start something new. As parts of the region expand and diversify, opportunities for new congregations arise. Some follow a pattern with which we are familiar. Some are creative responses to new circumstances. All are begun in partnership with others. If you are interested in conversation about a mission start, contact Assistant to Mission, Lynda Nordholm.

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace is a Hmong new start ministry that worships at St. Philip’s in Fridley at 1:00 p.m. on Sundays. Their mission developer pastor is Nhiabee Vang. Worship is primarily Hmong and like the other ethnic specific ministries, they are a community that is centered on the cultural connections of the Hmong community in the Twin Cities. You can connect with them on Facebook.

Cristo Obrero

Cristo Obrero is a Spanish-speaking Latino new start ministry growing in the southwest metro. They currently accompany families and children at two mobile home parks in Shakopee and Chaska. Their mission developer is Pr. Jorge Espinoza. Worship currently happens on festival days. In the summer, they gather around VBS and activities for kids. Check out their active Facebook page.


Tapestry is a growing bilingual new start ministry. They currently worship on Sundays at 5 p.m., at Oak Grove Lutheran. Tapestry is led by mission developer Pr. Melissa Gonzalez and Deacon Josue Gonzalez. The ministry is focused on accompanying Latino immigrants, including offering ESL and Spanish classes each week. Visit their Facebook page.

Strategic Ministries

All Nations Indian Church

All Nations Indian Church is a United Church of Christ (UCC) congregation with pastors on specialized call from the Minneapolis Area Synod.

Bread of Life Deaf Lutheran Church

Bread of Life Deaf Lutheran Church invites all to worship, especially if you are Deaf, deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf Blind, CODA, interpreter, a family member or friend of someone who is D/deaf, or learning ASL (or don’t know ASL but you’re interested).

Holy Cross Lutheran Church

In 2021, Holy Cross members voted to be affiliated with to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). Holy Cross Lutheran Church is located in South Minneapolis. They partner with several local organizations and churches and have a strong focus on community events and outreach.

Lao Evangelical Lutheran

Lao Evangelical worships at Elim Lutheran in Robbinsdale and reaches into the Lao community in Minnesota, a community that often doesn’t receive much attention. Lao Evangelical is seeking partner congregations.

MN Swahili Christian Congregation

Minnesota Swahili Christian Congregation meets in Holy Trinity Lutheran, Minneapolis and worships at 2:00 p.m. on Sundays. Pastor Andrea Mwalilino, originally from Tanzania, serves as the pastor. This ministry welcomes all Swahili speakers and people from east African countries who now live in the Twin Cities area.

The congregation has a youth director who works with the many young people and also has an active women’s ministry. They have many celebrations, meals, and events following our weekly worship services.

Our Redeemer Oromo Lutheran Church

Our Redeemer Oromo Evangelical Church is the product of Bible study group started by Oromo students who were attending Luther Seminary and Augsburg College in 1987. This church is considered to be a mother church for Diaspora Oromo churches and is also one of the largest immigrant churches in ELCA. The Our Redeemer Oromo Evangelical Church in Minnesota has been active in helping establish local churches in the US and has been supporting the ministries of Oromo churches in Africa and the Middle East.

Redeemer Lutheran Church

Redeemer Lutheran Church’s 100-year story continues to unfold as their diverse community worships and serves together reflecting the kingdom of God on earth as a “beacon of hope” in North Minneapolis. A member of the North Minneapolis Harrison Neighborhood since 1909, Redeemer Lutheran Church seeks to be a faithful witness to the love of Jesus Christ for all people and strives to be a safe and caring space for area residents, especially children and youth.

St. Paul's - San Pablo Lutheran Church

For 135 years, St. Paul’s - San Pablo has served the Phillips community of south Minneapolis, bringing hope and sharing the good news of God’s love in Jesus Christ.

Today, St. Paul’s serves in one of the youngest, most diverse and impoverished communities in Minneapolis.  7,000 youth live within one mile of the church. They are in the very heart of the Latine community, with substantial populations of Somali and Native Americans, African and European-Americans.

Trinity Lutheran Congregation

Trinity Lutheran Congregation, in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis, Trinity's liturgy embraces multicultural worship music, with parts of the liturgy delivered in English, Amharic, and Tigrign. They acknowledge the great spiritual and cultural diversity of Cedar-Riverside and respect, support and affirm the dignity of all people and their specific faiths and cultural frameworks.