The vocational journey of rostered ministers is a dynamic process — the Holy Spirit at work in both leaders and communities to discern God’s call. It can be an anxious and uncertain time but it can also be a time of exciting opportunity. The Spirit often uses mundane forms like Rostered Minister Profiles and Ministry Site Profiles to aid this process.

If you sense God calling you to something new, these are the steps:

  • Pray

  • Tell your bishop you are discerning the possibility of a new call

  • Go to the ELCA Community site to explore openings within the church and review Ministry Site Profiles

  • Contact the synod staff where the congregation you are exploring is located. If it is in the Minneapolis Area Synod, contact Karen Ohm, 612-230-3309

  • The Synodical Bishop will guide you through the call process in that synod (including letting your current bishop know). The Minneapolis Area Synod will not necessarily bring the name of every possible candidate to a call committee. (This process varies in other synods.)

It takes courage and vulnerability to engage this process, but our synod staff is committed to supporting you through every step.