When young people are connected to one another and to their faith, they have a deeper sense of self, compassion, and justice. As pastors and caring adults in the Minneapolis Area Synod (MAS), join us in exploring how we can help young people thrive through making music together.

Musicians and youth workers Alyssa Schwitzer and Kent Goodroad (LK-ArtsAcademy.com) are partnering with the synod and its congregations to launch a Synod Youth Choir. The youth choir is intended to support the already incredible faith formation happening within congregations and will be more “pop-up” in practice.

Participating congregations and youth will gather once a month between January and June to learn songs, meet other young people from Lutheran congregations, and prepare to sing with a larger youth choir at the Synod Assembly (May 2-3, 2025) as well as one other gathering (to be determined).

The choir is designed for any and all young people ages 5-18 regardless of musical experience. All young people are invited to participate.
Please also consider donating to the choir >

Rehearsal Information – updated times

Monthly rehearsals will take place at 3 host sites.

Lake Nokomis Lutheran Church (5011 S 31st Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55417)
All rehearsals will take place at 1:00 p.m.

  • 3/9, 3/23  
  • 4/26 – All Singers @ 1:00 p.m., location TBD 
  • 5/3 – Synod Assembly – Lord of Life Lutheran, Ramsey 
  • 6/1 – Event, more details coming soon 

Christ the River of Life (2200 Fremont Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411)
All rehearsals will be at 10:00 a.m.

  • 3/8, 3/22 
  • 4/26 – All Singers @ 1:00 p.m., location TBD 
  • 5/3 – Synod Assembly – Lord of Life Lutheran, Ramsey 
  • 6/1 – Event, more details coming soon 


Rehearsals will be split between two host churches:
St. Barnabas Lutheran Church (15600 Old Rockford Rd, Plymouth, MN 55446)
St. Andrew Lutheran Church (13600 Technology Dr., Eden Prairie, MN 55344)

All rehearsals will be at 1:00 p.m.

  • 3/8 (St. Barnabas), 3/22 (St. Andrew)
  • 4/26 – All Singers @ 1:00 p.m., location TBD
  • 5/3 – Synod Assembly – Lord of Life Lutheran, Ramsey
  • 6/1 – Event, more details coming soon

Registration is now open!

To register, choir organizers will need the following information: 

  • First & last name of participant 
  • Age of participant 
  • Participant’s email (if available) 
  • Participant’s cell number (if available) 
  • Caregiver name 
  • Caregiver phone number 
  • Caregiver email address 
  • Church photo release 
  • Any known allergies 
  • Any sensory needs 

For faster registration, if you have a PDF contact list with the above information already, you may email it to MASYouthChoir@mpls-synod.org

Each individual must also complete and return (either by email or at the first rehearsal) the permission and waiver form below.

Congregation Interest Form

If you would like more information before registering, please fill out this brief congregation interest form.

Meet the Team

Alyssa (Lou) Schwitzer

Alyssa is a Minneapolis-based vocalist, recording artist, composer, worship leader, educator, and voice teacher/coach working with individuals, churches, schools, and organizations locally and nationally. As a vocalist, she has taken up residencies in cities such as New York City and Boston; having the opportunity to perform for organizations such as Minnesota Public Radio, American Composers Forum, Thrivent Financial, Ravinia Festival, ELCA Extravaganza, ELCA MYLE, and the ELCA Youth Gathering, among others. Alyssa has a passion for empowering youth through music. She is the co-founder of both LK-Arts Academy and Music Is Wellness — programs designed to provide accessible music education aimed at building skills in music and social-emotional wellness. Alyssa serves as music director at Redeemer Lutheran Church in North Minneapolis and maintains an active performing and teaching career in the Twin Cities.

Kent Goodroad

Kent is a performer, composer, and music educator both locally (Minneapolis) and nationally. He has performed and composed for Minnesota Public Radio (MPR), Minnesota Composer’s Forum, MNKINO Film Festival, ELCA Extravaganza, ELCA MYLE, and the ELCA Youth Gathering. He is the co-founder of both LK-Arts Academy and Music Is Wellness — programs designed to provide accessible music education aimed at building skills in music and social-emotional wellness. Kent is the accompanist at Redeemer Lutheran Church in North Minneapolis and maintains an active performing and teaching career in the Twin Cities.

¡La inscripción y las fechas para el nuevo coro de jóvenes del sínodo están EN VIVO! 

Los músicos y educadores musicales Alyssa Schwitzer y Kent Goodroad creen que cuando los jóvenes están conectados entre sí y con su fe, tienen un sentido más profundo de sí mismos, de compasión y de justicia. Se están asociando con el Sínodo del Área de Minneapolis (MAS) para explorar cómo los jóvenes pueden prosperar haciendo música juntos a través de un Coro Juvenil MAS. 

El coro de jóvenes (de 5 a 18 años) es una oportunidad para apoyar la ya increíble formación de fe que se lleva a cabo dentro de las congregaciones y será más “emergente” en la práctica. Los jóvenes participantes se reunirán una vez al mes entre enero y junio para aprender canciones, conocer a otros jóvenes de congregaciones luteranas y prepararse para cantar con un coro de jóvenes más grande en la Asamblea del Sínodo y en otro evento. 

Los ensayos mensuales se llevarán a cabo en 3 sitios anfitriones. Mire a continuación el cronograma. 

Iglesia Luterana Lake Nokomis (5011 S 31st Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55417) a la 1 p.m.  

  • 12/1, 9/2, 9/3, 23/3  
  • 26/4 – Todos los cantantes a la 1:00 p. m., ubicación por determinar 
  • 3/5 – Asamblea sinodal – Señor de la Vida Luterana, Ramsey 
  • 1/6 – Evento, más detalles próximamente 

Cristo el río de la vida (2200 Fremont Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411) a las 10 a.m. 

  • 11/1, 8/2, 8/3, 22/3 
  • 26/4 – Todos los cantantes a la 1:00 p. m., ubicación por determinar 
  • 3/5 – Asamblea sinodal – Señor de la Vida Luterana, Ramsey 
  • 1/6 – Evento, más detalles próximamente 

Ubicación por determinar. 

Los ensayos se realizarán el segundo miércoles de cada mes (por la tarde), el segundo sábado de cada mes (alrededor de la 1 p. m.) o el segundo domingo de cada mes (alrededor de las 3:30 o 4:00 p.m.) 

  • 26/4 – Todos los cantantes a la 1:00 p. m., ubicación por determinar
    3/5 – Asamblea sinodal – Señor de la Vida Luterana, Ramsey
    1/6 – Evento, más detalles próximamente 

Para registrarse, los organizadores del coro necesitarán la siguiente información:  

  • Nombre y apellido del participante Edad del participante
  • Correo electrónico del participante (si está disponible) 
  • Número de celular del participante (si está disponible) 
  • Nombre del padre/tutor 
  • Número de teléfono del padre/tutor 
  • El correo electrónico del padre/tutor 
  • Permiso de publicación de fotografías de la iglesia 
  • Cualquier alergia conocida 
  • Cualquier necesidad sensorial 

Para un registro más rápido, si ya tiene una lista de contactos en PDF con la información anterior, puede enviarla por correo electrónico a MASYouthChoir@mpls-synod.org. También existe la opción de registrar a cada joven participante individualmente.