
Updates to Model Constitution

October 18th, 2022

A congregation’s constitution is its primary governing document.  It provides a framework for its purpose and mission and includes provisions that address important matters such as Council and Committee leadership, membership criteria, the call of a pastor and/or deacon, administration of real estate and property, and the congregation’s relationship with the synod and the larger […]

Making redemption tangible

October 17th, 2022

By John Mai In Minnesota, more than 48,000 residents are not allowed to vote in elections due to the fact that they are currently on probation or parole. Even though these citizens have finished their prison sentences, they are not able to share in one of the fundamental aspects of participatory democracy. The Minneapolis Area […]

Recent survey finds cautious optimism in synod congregations

October 11th, 2022

By Pastor Craig Pederson For the first time since the fall of 2019, rostered ministers gathered on the shores of Gull Lake near Brainerd for the 2022 Bishop’s Theological Conference. The theme for this year’s conference was “Facing the Wilderness, Embracing a Path,” focusing on the climate change crisis, environmental racism, and the responses of […]

Celebration Series: Ms. Sue Ferkingstad

September 15th, 2022

This week we’re lifting up Sue Ferkingstad, who was one of our Churchwide Assembly voting members and is very active at her church. Learn more about how she gives her time.   What role(s) do you take on in the synod and beyond? I’m a member of my church choir, council president, volunteer for Every […]

Celebration Series: Mr. Paavo Rundman

July 14th, 2022

Get to know one of our two youth Synod Council members, Paavo Rundman! What role(s) do you take on in the synod and beyond? I’m one of the youth members on the Minneapolis Area Synod Council, and I’ve been a part of the past three National Youth Leadership Summits as a representative from our synod. […]

Calvary at the cross roads

June 14th, 2022

By Maya Bryant On the morning of April 21, 2022, four leaders from Calvary Lutheran Church logged onto a Zoom call to discuss how the way they “do church” is changing. In the last two years, a number of events happened in Calvary’s backyard: the killing of George Floyd just one block from their congregation; […]

Celebration Series: Ms. Alyssa Schwitzer

June 14th, 2022

Sometimes church leaders are obvious: pastors, council members, the regular volunteers, etc. Sometimes our leaders are Lutherans living out their values in their daily lives: their vocation, their community roles, etc. We want to use this year to lift up and honor the many diverse and exceptional leaders in our synod. Follow along with us […]

Celebration Series: Ms. Emily Brown

May 18th, 2022

Sometimes church leaders are obvious: pastors, council members, the regular volunteers, etc. Sometimes our leaders are Lutherans living out their values in their daily lives: their vocation, their community roles, etc. We want to use this year to lift up and honor the many diverse and exceptional leaders in our synod. Follow along with us […]

A day filled with celebration

May 10th, 2022

By Bob Hulteen “Life Together” was the theme of the Minneapolis Area Synod’s 2022 Synod Assembly on Saturday, April 30, at Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. More than 450 people, including 353 voting members from congregations, gathered to worship, listen to inspiring speakers, elect leadership on synodical bodies, and vote on resolutions addressing issues in […]

New Beginnings: Welcoming Holy Cross Lutheran Church

April 11th, 2022

By Kayla Zopfi “Holy Cross was founded on April 19, 1940. Thirty-seven people, representing 185 communicants, to whom Trinity First Lutheran Church had granted release three days earlier, approved the name “Holy Cross Lutheran Church,” accepted a constitution, elected officers, and extended a call to Pastor Carl J. Hoffmann… On Nov. 19, 1940, the congregation […]

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