Twice each year, rostered ministers gather together for worship, learning, conversation, and relationship building. Given the abundance of local resource people, a seminary or college professor regularly presents on an important and timely topic. Our fall Ministerium is held jointly with the Saint Paul Area Synod, taking turns acting as hosts.

The next Ministerium is
Thursday, January 30, 2025
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
“Listen Together”
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
1701 West Old Shakopee Road
Bloomington, MN 55431
Church Together. Listen Together.
We are church together. Our task and call as the Minneapolis Area Synod is to be the church together, to extend gracious invitations into life-giving Christian community, and to contribute to just and healthy communities.
Our first step toward discerning the Word of God for each of us and our communities is listening. We listen to each other and to God, trusting that God is speaking. This year’s January Ministerium will provide us the space to listen together in worship and in intentional conversations with one another. Nicholas Tangen, Assistant to the Bishop for Faith and Neighboring, will lead us in a small group conversation exercise, and we will hear stories from people in our Synod about the power of listening to the neighbor and to God.