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Friday, April 23, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Saturday, April 24, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Under the theme “Jubilee Reclaimed: Opening the Way,” synod assembly participants will explore Biblical insights into the general welfare of the community. We remember the Hebrew Scripture injunction to return possessions to their original owner after 50 years as a means to ensure that wealth disparity didn’t arise within the community. And, we imagine the early church in Acts, where the people shared from a common purse.
What does this mean for the Church today? How do we enter into discussions of confession and absolution? Can we imagine together ways to explore opportunities for the Church to be the leading edge of caring for the vulnerable in our world?
Dr. Drew Hart
Messiah University
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Michael Osterholm
University of Minnesota
Keynote Speaker
Mr. Bill Horne
ELCA Vice President
ELCA Churchwide Representative
Ms. Molly Beck Dean
ELCA Youth Gathering Director

Rev. Kate Reuer Welton
Campus Pastor, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Bible Study Leader

Rev. Marlene Whiterabbit Helgemo
Pastor, All Nations Indian Church
Bible Study Leader