Church administrators, parish secretaries, and church council members often have very broad skill sets and a very broad set of tasks on their plates. The Minneapolis Area Synod and the ELCA support administrators and councils by providing useful templates, a model constitution, and other resources, which can be found on this page and should help with concerns that might arise.

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Synod Audit for Year Ending January 31, 2023

The annual audit report given to the synod by Mahoney Ulbrich Christiansen Russ P.A.

Congregation Constitution Resources

Each of the church’s expressions – congregations, synods, and the churchwide organization – has a constitution. Constitutions help to ensure consistency of governance and doctrine among the various expressions of our church. Constitutions are updated at every Churchwide Assembly. It is recommended that ELCA congregations and synods review the adopted amendments as soon as possible to incorporate required changes and to consider recommended changes.

Amending a congregation’s constitution is important work. Because the process can be challenging, the ELCA and the Minneapolis Area Synod have prepared resources to assist congregations in this process. These resources should help with concerns that might arise. If you still have questions, contact Jessie Goeke.

Resources from the ELCA, Office of the Secretary

Resources from the Minneapolis Area Synod

Bishop’s Annual Report to Congregations, January 2025

Bishop Jen Nagel’s letter to the congregations in our synod to include in their annual reports.



Policy and Procedures Regarding Sexual Misconduct

The Minneapolis Area Synod of the ELCA is committed to maintaining a caring Christian community free from all forms of sexual misconduct. View our full policy regarding misconduct by rostered ministers.

Other ELCA Resources for Congregations

The ELCA Office of the Secretary has many resources that may be useful to your congregation.