Every year, church lay leaders and their pastors are invited to attend a variety of workshops on topics just for them. From budgets to social media and emergency preparedness to evangelism, there is something for everyone.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

St. Stephen Lutheran Church
8400 France Ave S, Minneapolis

Join us for a morning of learning and community-building for church leaders.

We’re looking forward to the Tool Kit this Saturday. In order to finalize event details, registration is now closed. Contact Jeni Huff with questions.


  • 8:15 a.m. Registration opens

  • 9:00 a.m. Large group gathering with update from Bishop Nagel

  • 9:30 a.m. Break

  • 9:45 a.m. Workshops I

  • 10:45 a.m. Break

  • 11:00 a.m. Workshops II

  • 12:00 p.m. Adjourn

Round One Workshops

Led by Rev. Pete Reuss, CFRE and partner at GSB Fundraising

If your congregation had an additional 10% in giving, how would you use those funds to impact people’s lives?

Congregational giving has undergone a massive shift in the past few years. For many, the old patterns of inviting giving no longer work. Rev. Pete Reuss, CFRE and partner at GSB Fundraising, will provide direct and practical steps to inspire people to grow in giving, even as you excite them for your ministry.

Led by Joy McElroy, Cherish All Children (Lutheran Social Service MN)

Join this session to learn about this crime and what we can each do to protect children and youth. We’ll discuss youth’s online worlds including social media, gaming, and sharing photos. Then we’ll dive deeper into the crime of sextortion.

The FBI and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children issued a public safety alert due to the significant increase in the crime of sextortion targeting youth, especially young boys. There is a great deal we can do in our families and faith communities to safeguard children from these risks, including empowering youth with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves online.

Led by Rev. Dr. Dawn Alitz, Faith+Lead

This year, the Minneapolis Area Synod is experimenting with Luther Seminary to give free access to our Faith+Lead Membership to the entire synod. The membership includes all of our 38+ Faith+Lead Academy courses (theological resources and training designed to equip Christian disciples), plus membership workshops and coaching. Learn how to access these resources and how to utilize them for everything from Bible studies to adult education to courses that equip individuals for ministry in your context!

Led by Rev. John Hulden, Minneapolis Area Synod Staff

Learn with others about church council responsibilities (find that constitution!) and how to run effective meetings (no more 3-hour meetings!).  

Led by Leaders from St. Paul’s/San Pablo Lutheran Church and MN Translator and Interpreter Cooperative

Join us for a dynamic and collaborative conversation with leaders from congregations where English is not the primary language spoken and experts in language access and equity. Together, we will explore how the Minneapolis Area Synod and its congregations can practice language hospitality while implementing meaningful language access for everyone. This collective effort, which emphasizes diversity in language and culture, is essential for ensuring that ALL can participate fully in the life of the church.

Round Two Workshops

Led by Rev. Amanda Simons, Lutheran Social Service of MN

Learn to lead inter-generational faith engagement opportunities to cultivate relationships between community members, deepen empathy and education about our neighbor’s needs and experiences, and engage in service and generosity.

The Rev. Amanda Simons, Director of Church Partnerships and Volunteerism at Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, will introduce the LSS Learn + Serve + Give model for use in your home congregation.

Led by Nicholas Tangen and Mercy Zou Taithul, Minneapolis Area Synod Staff

Jesus said the two greatest commandments are to love God and love your neighbor, but what does that look like for churches in their particular communities? Join Nicholas Tangen and Mercy Zou Taithul to hear about what they’ve learned from leading the Faith Practices & Neighboring Practices learning community, and to learn about some of the core practices that move our community engagement from focusing on problems to focusing on possibility.

Facilitated by Kellie Groon (Minneapolis Area Synod Accountant) and Ross Eichelberger (Minneapolis Area Synod Treasurer)

Jumping in as the treasurer of your church might be exciting or terrifying – or both. Budgets and financial reports can feel like a foreign language. For new and experienced treasurers sharing ideas and meeting other money-people can help you feel less alone and give you someone to call when things just aren’t adding up!

Led by Dannica Olsen, Director of Program, ELCA Youth Gathering

The ELCA Youth Gathering is coming to Minneapolis in 2027. Now is the time to start planning!
Having the gathering in Minneapolis makes it more accessible for churches in our Synod to
attend. Learn what the Youth Gathering is all about, tips for getting the word out to families,
and how your church can get involved.

Led by Bishop Jen Nagel

Being the church president can mean a lot of different things and can bring a lot of different questions. Whether you were recently elected or have been the president for a while, connecting with others in the same role can be valuable. This workshop will bring together church presidents to share resources and experiences and ask all your questions – and help you find another person you can call when your job feels stressful! 

Resources from past events

Land Acknowledgements…And Beyond! Led by Dr. Kelly Sherman Conroy

Becoming Faithful Neighbors Led by Nicholas Tangen and John Hulden

From Needs to Assets Led by Center for Leadership and Neighborhood Engagement

Growing Young Led by Dr. Kris Bjorke

Congregations and Mental Health Led by a Panel with Rev. Babette Chatman, Rev. Kate Reuer Welton, and Vicki Elliott

Building Volunteerism Led by a Panel with Kristy Philips, Megan Moen, and Pete Erickson

Institutional Trauma and Moral Injury Led by Rev. Aaron Fuller

Forming Connections with the Deaf Community Led by Janie Barlow and Deacon Dorothy Sparks

Getting People Involved in Making Your Congregation Greener Led by Jack Hurbanis

Yikes! I’m on Church Council Led by Rev. John Hulden

Construyendo una Comunidad Multicultural Presentado por Pastores Stephanie y Jorge Espinoza

  • What Our New Starts are Learning That You Should Know – MAS Mission Developers
  • Best Accounting Practices – Ty Inglis
  • What Churches Can and Can’t Do Regarding the Election
  • Parents as Faith Formers – Stephanie Luedtke
  • Mental Health Connect – Vicki Elliott
  • Good Stewardship: Maximizing the Value of your Real Estate – Jeremy Striffler
  • How to Kill a Meeting – Rev. John Hulden
  • Engaging your Community: An Introduction to Mission Insite – John Mai
  • Quilts, Kits, and So Much More: Living the Accompaniment Model in Global Community – Companion Table of the Minneapolis Area Synod
  • HR Responsibilities for Church Council – Janet Thompson
  • What is Sanctuary Church? – Jen Nagel and Nick Tangen
  • Church Safety and Emergency Preparedness – members of Our Savior’s, East Bethel